So over sephora


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Feb 14, 2015

Jackie S.

So, after reading a lot of reviews here, I see many of you ladies prefer Ulta because they have better rewards/point system. I haven't shopped at Sephora a lot, but had some points. So I got a travel size FAB cleanser that I love, and then Hope in a jar, which I was excited about. Until I saw the size and then opened it. Size: teeny tiny.

Feb 14, 2015

Jackie S.

Opened: barely any product.

Feb 14, 2015

Shaye M.

That'd bother me too, why make the tub so big if they're only going to fill it half way.

Feb 14, 2015

Tina K.

Is that really Sephora's fault or the manufacturer of that product?

Feb 14, 2015

Lauren G.

^ regardless, the point system is crummy.

Feb 14, 2015

Jennifer R.

I think it's the manufacturers fault, not sephora.

Feb 14, 2015

Kelly H.

I think it depends on your view point. I don't feel like I deserve anything for doing shopping I would do anyway. I remember when there were no rewards points or clubs to join and I still bought the products I wanted, I guess I consider anything I get a gift.

Feb 14, 2015

Tina K.

Rewards systems aside, I'm genuinely curious if anyone has experienced different amounts of products in the same sized packaging when the product has been purchased at different stores.

Feb 14, 2015

Jackie S.

My thing is if I spent money, and am getting points, I want my product to not be a "sample"

Feb 14, 2015

Jackie S.

I'm too lazy lol. That's why I order online. Don't know if it's even worth t

Feb 14, 2015

Jackie S.


Feb 14, 2015

Angela J.

Ugh I know how you feel. I agree with Sandra. Anything I can buy at either store, I always choose Ulta but sadly there are some things that are only available at Sephora. That's the only reason they have my business at all tbh.

Feb 14, 2015

CPT- Lili R.

Ok this is my oppinion your getting a free product they could easily not give you nothing if they wanted to, its free so why complain, not to be rude but in a way to me thats being ungreatful there's so much competition out there to shop at certain placese and there trying to get us to buy with a certain company by giving us free stuff and some people still complain, some people get $200 plus worth of products and pay 1/3 for it and you see them colpaning none stop, like the company owes them something really? And still to add on to that act like the company revolves around them and will do as they please, that just shows that those kinds of people need a reality check cuz there not the center of the company, If you don't like how a company works its simple stop shopping with them, like kelly said there was a time when they didnt use to give you anything at all.

Feb 14, 2015

Jackie S.

Lili, I totally get it. You also have to realize that I rarely buy makeup. If there's a product that I'm interested in, I don't want to pay $$ if it's not going to agree with my skin. That's why the idea of a point system where I can redeem them for (what I thought was going to be) a sample size- maybe deluxe (my FAB cleanser for points is a lovely 1.0 oz travel size) was super appealing. My disappointment comes from those facts alone. If Sephora dropped the ball on this, then they did. If the manufacturer failed on this batch, it's on them. Either way, if you are willing to have these perks, then I think the products should reflect that. Just my 2cents.

Feb 14, 2015

Lauren G.

Lili, once again it's not that serious and it's rude of YOU to act like she was being so ridiculous by simply showing how small the sample was. Damn...

Feb 14, 2015

Lauren G.

Like...take a deep breath. Just one. Sometime soon.

Feb 14, 2015

Alma M.

Lauren, please feel free to re read everything, Lili as well as the rest just stated their own opinions nothing more.I like to always read all comments with a smile before trying to read it as faulty because in the end it's all not that serious and just a convo. 😉

Feb 14, 2015

Lauren G.

I try but it's always the same angry negativity...

Feb 14, 2015

Alma M.

Have a great day Lauren happy times 😊

Feb 14, 2015

M G.

I shop online aswell for the convince lol. if I were you I'd send them an email an just voice your concern and disappointment. Good companies usually try their best to keep their customers happy.

Feb 14, 2015

Angela J.

Of course they don't have to give us anything but for them to advertise this points program and claim they will give us all these nice bonus gifts of we spend our money with them only to give us a sample most makeup counters would give away free and in a larger size is kind of shady is all.

Feb 14, 2015

Angela J.

If they just gave us agift it'd be rude to talk shit about a gift but they present this as a reward for our loyalty suggesting the more we spend the nicer gifts we EARN not GIVEN. There is a big difference.

Feb 14, 2015

M G.

I agree with Angela. Some companies encourage you to purchase more for "rewards" n thn the rewards are shisty. Now of course they could just not give nothin at all but I think it the high hopes of gettn a something good and thn being disappointed is what bothers people.

Feb 14, 2015

CPT- Lili R.

Lauren not to be disrespectfull but I think the only one angry here and the one that needs to take a deep breath is you, I'm not going crazy or nothing, just cuz I write something does not mean I'm going crazy please take the time to read what I say like you would read one of your books please, just cuz something is writen and then you see my name next to it does not mean I'm yelling or saying it angry, please take that into consideration next time I write something

Angela I get what your saying you want a good reward but in my oppinion its still free, today I just found out that ulta does not give out samplesof there makeup, so not every store gives out free samples I don't know thats just my oppinion, a free shity sample to me is better then no sample at all but to each there own

Feb 14, 2015

Lama K.

I actually never had one good experience at ulta..even if they were giving away free palettes I wouldn't shop with them simply because every single ulta I've been in throughout different states all gave me terrible customer service and the associates were not as knowledgeable as I wished they would be.
that being said, I'm unaware of the reward program ulta has due to me not supporting their business. I don't think anyone should shop at a store based on the samples a manufacturer chooses to give them. sephora doesn't get samples by asking for them, companies distribute them to the stores and warehouses in order to get more business, sephora just happens to be the "middle man" in this process. samples are free and you shouldn't expect to get a decent amount from it because then you wouldn't buy the product.