Skin Burning! Help?


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Feb 15, 2015

M G.

Oh wow sorry for tht. I really don't know, so I can't be of no assistance there. But if the irritation continues try an oatmeal mask. hope you feel better.

Feb 15, 2015

Beth F.

The glamglow might be the reason you're face is irritated. I went on the glamglow website & I believe you're only supposed to use it 2-3 times a week.

Feb 15, 2015

Rissa G.

I would say it might have been the GlamGlow product as you said it was the newest addition, maybe the chemicals in it don't agree with whatever is in your yet products. When I tried out a new face wash from the YesTo brand, any other product I would use after that burned like crazy (mind you, they were products I would always use). As soon as I discontinued use of the face wash, everything was fine.

Feb 15, 2015

Les N.

Agree with beth only 2-3 times a week, twice a day is too much.

Feb 15, 2015

Kitty K.

Is this the new CLEANSER or the mask? I know they released a new cleanser, which is for everyday use.
CeraVe always burned me if I left it on a long time ( like more than 10 seconds! ) and the FAB Cream contains a load of irritants at the end which has initially always given me a burning sensation and might be why it irritated your skin up again, oops :s
Either the CeraVe or the new glamglow cleanser might be clashing, or the random introduction of the cerave may have thrown off your skin, process of elimination will help you figure out what's good or not. Sensitive skin is such a mission, ugh!

Feb 15, 2015

Jackie S.

I received a sample of the GlamGlow and boy was my face red and burned like crazy! I'm guessing It was a reaction to that.

Feb 16, 2015

Jackie S.

It's really the FAB cream? I love mine and the cleanser. I have noticed that if I use a new product and then the cream my cheeks will feel irritated for a sec. Then stop

Feb 16, 2015

Logan C.

I'm not really sure but reading this reminded me of an experience I had, I started using a clean n clear cleanser and for a few days it was fine then all the sudden after I used it when I put my aveeno lotion on my skin would turn red and burn with itchy bumps. But I had used the lotion for like 6 months no problem. It was weird.

Feb 16, 2015

Angela J.

Like Kitty, if I don't rinse quickly after applying my CeraVe cleanser it starts to burn. I've learned to work it into my skin very fast and start rinsing quick lol.