Enhancing Eye Series- Brown Eyes


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Dec 29, 2012

Jane J.

My brown eyed gals, brown is my absolute fave to work with!! Not many people realize brown eyes are the easiest to enhance with the owners being able to use pretty much any colour out there with a fantastic result, but since brown eyes have flecks of green, gold, copper and brown, the most flattering colors will be any colors within these families.People with brown or hazel eyes can wear almost any shade of eye shadow as long as it's applied and blended correctly!Best bets for brown eyes include gold, green, bronze and copper.Other flattering shades include champagne (a bit of apricot with a soft pink), beige, khaki-green (the lighter shade adds highlight to enhance the green and brown flecks) and brown for a doe-eyed look.Hip favorites include hot pink, tangerine, royal blue and lime green (again, the contrast gives brown eyes a kick).