Break out problems!!


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Feb 12, 2015

Susan M.

I just recently started to notice my face breaking out...TERRIBLY I have always had the occasional pimple here and there but it seriously looks like I have a rash on both cheecks and chin...I'm so upset...I wash my face daily (not everyday) but very frequently I don't know what could have caused this PLZZZ HELP!

Feb 12, 2015

Susan M.

Here's one side.

Feb 12, 2015

Susan M.

Here's the other side.

Feb 12, 2015

Rissa G.

It looks like it's irritated / a rash rather than break outs. Have you used any new problems lately?

Feb 12, 2015

Raneen R.

I think Renay meant products.

Feb 12, 2015

Susan M.

I have been using this moisturizer for sensitive skin my mom always uses...cause my my chin,nose,and forehead can get dry but I made the mistake of putting it all over my face and I think that's what's causing problems with my face.

Feb 12, 2015

Rissa G.

I did, Raneen, thanks girl.

It can be!

Feb 12, 2015

Susan M.

What can I do to help my skin?

Feb 12, 2015

Alexandra S.

It could also be something in your diet or that you don't have enough vitamins but most likely it is from a product

Feb 12, 2015

Alexandra S.

Well I would discontinue using that product and if that doesn't stop it go see a doctor

Feb 12, 2015

Hannah D.

This happens to me after I try new makeup! It's almost like a mix between a rash an acne. Found out I'm allergic to nearly everything jaha. But if you have tried any new makeup it could be from that?

Feb 12, 2015

Susan M.'s just the moisturizer.what did you do to get rid of it? Hannah

Feb 12, 2015

Shaye M.

Is it itchy? Be careful with rashes like this on the face, I used a new product once that I'd never heard of, thought the rash I got was a break out and a month later my skin was flakey, itchy, scabbing. It was a skin infection.

Feb 12, 2015

katie s.

Go back to the products that were working well for you before and just give it time to heal!

Feb 12, 2015

Hannah D.

Susan, I used clobetasol but it's perscription I think.. Or hydrocortisone! They both help me when I find out I'm allergic to something after the fact.

Feb 12, 2015

Hannah D.

Basically I put either of those on the spots where it is worst. If you are in need of a moisturizer I would recommend the face lotion by nuetrogena for sensitive skin. It's the only face lotion I can use without getting a reaction from:)

Feb 12, 2015

Tatyana P.

Wash you face once a day at least, try using the Glamglow Supermud as a spot treatment (if you can't afford to buy the fullsize just get a sample from sephora).