Awful breakouts on my chin and cheeks!


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Feb 8, 2015

Kelsey M.

I have acne prone skin as it is, and it's pretty oily. Lately I've been breaking out terribly around my mouth and I've done so much to fix it, but I'm not sure what else will work. any suggestions?

Feb 8, 2015

Shreya A.

Omg I'm the same! What has worked for me, even though it was quite hard was wearing less makeup for about a week or so. Alsoo exfoliating helps so I'd try that once or twice a week but if you do already I'd recommend coconut oil it helped mine, I just used it for a while instead of my moisturiser. I hope this helped a little lol :)

Feb 8, 2015

Isabel M.

Me too! I didn't wear any make-up (exept for mascara, eye liner and a tinted lipbalm) for 2 weeks. I also moisturized with organic moisturizers by Cowshed and used toner every day. It was gone after two weeks and now I acctually always wear little to no make-up because I loved the look haha!

Feb 8, 2015

Lama K.

First I would clean all my makeup brushes and applicators. they hold a lot of bacteria and it will definitely spread if not cleaned regularly. secondly, it could be hormonal acne and changing your skincare/makeup routine won't help change that much. have you been eating the same way and drinking a lot of water? it's amazing how much our skin will reflect how we care for our bodies internally.

Feb 8, 2015

Anna C.

The same happens to me. You can try gels or creams to get it to go away but for me it didn't work at all, it made it worse. I have a doctors recommended cream that works well and I can still wear makeup. I went to the dermatologist for that. Good luck!

Feb 8, 2015

Kelsey M.

thank you all :)

Feb 9, 2015

Bailey E.

As for like a facial cleanser, I use Cerave, dermatologist recommended, and it's amazing for breakouts. My skin hasn't been as clear as it is now since I was 12 lol. It's fairly drying though

Feb 9, 2015

Angela J.

I had a bad breakout during that time of month a few weeks ago and on a whim grabbed a tube of La Roche Posay effaclar duo at Target. My skin was clear in 2 days and not excessively dry or flaky. I'm pretty thrilled with the result considering I wasn't expecting too much and it was kind of an impulse purchase.

Feb 9, 2015

Kitty K.

Do you wear lip balm by any chance?

Feb 10, 2015

Saybrah W.

Following and kitty why did you ask about the lip balm?

Feb 12, 2015

Tyra R.

Try changing you pillow cases.

Feb 12, 2015

Tyra R.
