What's the best solution to getting rid of acne scars?


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Feb 13, 2015

Jamie Estele G.

I'm not looking for a product but something more in the terms of a procedure-type solution such as microdermabrasion or chemical peels. Does anyone have a personal experience with something that showed good results?

Feb 13, 2015

Jamie Estele G.

Some type of laser treatment

Feb 13, 2015


I've had glycolic and lactic acid peels as well as diode treatment and laser. Hands down, that combination works better than any drugstore or Dr prescribed product, period. It worked for my skin and I would recommend putting your money into those methods. IMO everything else was/is a waste of time and money. The improvement in my skin is incredible.

Feb 13, 2015

Grace K.

Retin a I've also had good results with :)

Feb 13, 2015

Jamie Estele G.

Thanks you guys!... What's retina a? Is it doctor prescribed?

Feb 13, 2015

Jamie Estele G.

Aj where'd you go for those? Is that something I need to make an appointment with a dermatologist?

Feb 13, 2015


@Jaime G
I go to a medi spa that specialize in laser, Botox, peels... A dermatologist may do it as well. I'm in Canada, but I could give you the website to check out, it explains everything. You want to see someone very well trained, with some time under their belt, they can determine you skin type, what peels to use, how strong of a laser treatment you can get...
Until I went to this place, I had no idea I had thin skin. Certain lasers will wreck and burn your face if you have thin skin. It's well worth finding a dermatologist that can do it, or a laser specialist.