Hair Help For Bed Time!!


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Aug 5, 2015

Sheslay F.

Ohkay, so I toss and turn like crazy in my sleep which leads to huge knots in the back of my hair and also loads of breakage as well. I have a satin pillow case which has helped a lot, but it still doesn't stop the huge knots. Is there anything I can do to keep my hair from doing this? I tried braiding my hair but I wasn't sure if that was bad as well so I stopped doing that and now I'm just clueless on what to do! Please help!!

Aug 5, 2015

Gloria G.

Have you tried satin head  caps?

Aug 5, 2015

Justine S.

I always braid mine when it's longer and have never had a problem.

Aug 5, 2015

Lily G.

I used to have the same problem but now I just put my hair in a messy bun on top of my head, the type of messy bun where you make a ponytail and only pull the hair halfway through the elastic the last time. I think it is called pineappleing and used mainly for curly hair but it works great for my hair too.

Aug 5, 2015

Alyx T.

A braid would help, but make sure it's not tight. If you toss and turn I don't recommend any high top knots or ponytails as that will cause all the stress to be at your roots instead of the length which is better in the long run. Once you damage your roots your pretty much screwed on having long hair.
I personally do an over the shoulder braid or a braid on each side, I toss and turn a lot too but I lay mostly on my back so it's what's most comfortable for me. A silk scarf would help too, but I find they're uncomfortable and I have super thick hair so it traps all the heat and makes me sweat lol.

Aug 5, 2015

Sheslay F.

Thank you so much ladies! I will have to try some new braids maybe and also a satin cap! (: