Hiking date! Makeup issue..


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Aug 3, 2015

Sabriah W.

So I'm going on a hiking date tomorrow and I know I should probably keep it simple and very little makeup but I don't know what to wear or how to do my makeup would eyeliner be too much?

Aug 3, 2015

Merna M.

You probably shouldn't wear makeup since you will probably be sweating. Maybe you could wear a water proof mascara and some tinted lip balm.

Aug 3, 2015

Monet R.

I'd go with a bb cream because its light and has spf, a light coverage powder just to set it and get rid of shine and then a little mascara.

Aug 3, 2015

Makayla K.

I'd do a light coverage foundation or cream IF ANY. but personally I'd highlight just to look glowy and fresh while outdoors and then do brows and mascara. Just super simple but still well put together.