Weird Baby Hairs?


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Aug 4, 2015

Shreya S.

I'm not really sure if these are called baby hairs, but whenever I tie my hair up, you can see all these little hairs on the top of my head and behind me ear. they're curly and just look really bad. using gel works, but I can't ( and don't want to ) do that everyday, as it's bad for my hair. any ideas? thanks you!

Aug 4, 2015

Shreya S.

Kind of like the picture, but smaller, curlier, and all around my hair line.

Aug 4, 2015

Anna R.

Hey shreya! I have the same issue and they're soo annoying. I found out spraying a toothbrush or old cleaned mascara brush with hairspray and combing them back works pretty well! Wetting your hair works as a temporary fix if you need to fix it in a pinch. Good luck!!

Aug 4, 2015

Shreya S.

thanks anna :)

Aug 4, 2015

katie s.

It's not frizz. It's baby hairs. I have them. I usually think they're kinda cute so I straighten them and leave them be. If you hate yours, I used to use a toothbrush and spray it with hairspray and comb them back.

Aug 4, 2015

Whitney L.

I've heard coconut oil works as well but only use a tiny amount so your hair doesn't get greasy.

Aug 4, 2015

Sabrine K.

Embrace them! Some people would love to have them. I agree with Katelyn. You can brush them down or leave them in little curls

Aug 5, 2015

Kelsey R.

I'm probably very weird for doing this but I took my razor and shaved all mine off. I accidentally cut a few actually HAIR-hairs but it's barely noticeable and they're growing back. But baby hairs don't really grow back along with your stronger hair so all mine are gone.

Aug 5, 2015

Kelsey R.


Aug 5, 2015

Sabrine K.

I wouldn't suggest doing that. It's not very good for your hair.

Aug 5, 2015

Shreya S.

Ok, thank you all so much!