How to treat bad hormonal break outs!


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Jul 13, 2015

Alicia C.

Last week my gyno found a cyst on my right ovary, and prescribed me a hormone called provera to help shrink it. I've never had really bad break outs, just a few around the time of the month but because of the high dose of hormones my chin is covered in them. There big and painful and I've never needed acne fighting skin care so I was hoping you guys would be able to suggest some things! At least something to help with the scarring when I'm done sleuth my prescription. Thanks in advance!

Jul 13, 2015

Delara g.

Unflavoured yoghurt face mask apply it to all your face or just the problem areas, but I re commend all over your face because it's good for skin, it treats acne and scaring because yoghurt has living enzymes which clean your face

Jul 13, 2015

Shelley W.

I have a cyst as well on my ovary and what saved me from having to take meds to shrink it was taking soy products out of my diet. Soy is what feeds such cysts. As far as the acne side-effect increasing your intake of Omega 3's via food will assist in decreasing the breakouts. Sounds like cystic acne and that takes forever to heal but spot treatments containing benzoyl peroxide or saliyic acid should help with the bacterial aspect of the unworthy visitors and speed up the healing process. Cleanser and moisturizer should contain any other active ingredients because you don't want to dry out your skin using multiple items with powerful ingredients in it. When the area has cleared up and you want t go in to address the scarring I suggest starting out with an AHA serum of 10% or maybe facial peels containing glycolic acid...both can be found at ULTA and especially Sephora. Peter Thomas Roth has a 10% glycolic acid gel based serum and Alpha Hydrox (carried at ULTA) line has a similar gel based serum as well as moisturizers with the ingredient in it.

Jul 22, 2015

Alicia C.

Thanks so so much!