Gray Brow Hairs & Us Older Dames.


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Oct 19, 2015

Shelley W.

For the past few months I've been finding gray brow hairs and a few gray lashes as well (especially my bottom lashes). I've been plucking the gray brow hairs...not because I'm embarrassed or self conscious of gray hair but because they were simply in the wrong spot. To my horror I noticed my brows are looking a lil not so full. So this morning I contacted my esthetician and asked her what the heck is going on with my brows.

Come to find out those gray brow hairs I've been plucking are sensitive little beasts. The hair follicle that is because each time one plucks the same one repeatedly it weakens the follicle. And now I'm seeing the results...sparse lil areas that I must fill in with some sort of brow product.

Now the lashes that I see coming in gray I don't dare pluck those and mascara masked their lovely white hue quite nicely. So I asked her what I can do going forward to mask my gray brows...only trim them or beat them into submission with a brow gel to keep them from looking wild and I can also have them tinted.

I always tell folks I refuse to color my hair once my mane starts showing gray and look forward to having naturally white curls but when it comes to facial hair...nah...hand me the box color please!! I have an appointment set to get my lashes tinted but brows as well.

So to the younger beauties...don't go overboard with the tweezing and to my fellow older beauties do not tweeze those gray hairs.

Oct 19, 2015

Roz X.

Interesting and certainly great to know. Thanks, Shelley!

Oct 19, 2015

Bre H.

I love reading facts thanks so much for the info :)

Oct 20, 2015

Shelley W.

You're all welcome. Hopefully I'll have a great outcome with my incoming gray brow hair tinted. Or else I'll be posting;"My Nightmare Brow Tint Experience!!" Lol.

Oct 20, 2015

Bre H.

You definitely should would this be your first time for your eyelashes also.

Oct 20, 2015

Kattya M.

Then that means that the myth that said if you remove a gray hair, two will grow in its place, it's terribly wrong. I'll be pulling all my gray hairs now then, I have too much hair anyways.

Oct 20, 2015

Shelley W.

Kattya...yep that lil myth is exactly that...a myth. I haven't seen two gray replace one that I've tweezed.

Bre...I won't be tinting my eyelashes just my brows. Lashes I feel fine with them going gray and will just resort to mascara which does a great job at hiding the gray.

Oct 20, 2015

Tina K.

I thought I saw a few stray grays in my brows, but my lighting is very poor and they could've been blonde since they're multi-colored. Yikes! Thank you for the tip, Shelley!

Oct 20, 2015

Jane C.

So much of my brow-especially at the front is so grey it looks invisible! Whenever I have my hair colored at the salon they also mix up a little color in a darker shade for my brows. The color doesn't last more that a week or two but it is nice not having to spend as much time on my brows. Sadly my brows have also grown a bit more sparse in the last two years, (and I've never over plucked!) oh well-that's life!

Oct 21, 2015

Kat H.

Interesting...I haven't spotted any gray brows, yet, but I don't tweeze, anyway so I hope I'm good for at least a few more years!! Thanks so much for sharing!!