What's up with my lips?


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Jul 24, 2015

Jane F.

I have been experiencing little dark spots on my lips and I don't know what they are from. I'm sorry the picture is really gross, up close, and you can't really see the spots. I have one in the middle of my bottom lip and two up top. Has anyone else had these?? What should I do??

Jul 24, 2015

Madison B.

Have you tried exfoliating them?

Jul 24, 2015

Jasmine C.

I have the same problem as well. I have really dry lips so I lick and bite them constantly which may be the reason. also make sure to wear chapstick with SPF from now on if you do not currently. Lastly, don't use expired lip products! Hope this helps.

Jul 24, 2015

Emilia C.

It's from the sun! Just exfoliate them gently with oil, honey and sugar then apply aloe vera or after sun and from now on wear a lip balm with SPF!