Hella Dry Feet.


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Jul 17, 2015

Jaay G.

My feet are so dry its gross I know and I have dry skin peeling on the bottom of my feet. does anyone know how to get rid of the dryness and flaky skin?

Jul 17, 2015

Tessandra R.

These scrubbers are meant to remove the dry skin on the feet. You can also try some exfoliating recipes and DEFINITELY moisturize! Burts Bees has a coconut foot creme that works wonders! :)

Jul 17, 2015

Tessandra R.

Here's the foot creme! And Pinterest has loads of homemade exfoliating recipes! Xx

Jul 17, 2015

Jaay G.

I have a scrubber like that but it makes no difference. I've also seen on pintrest that Listerine soak. does that really work?

Jul 17, 2015

Alyx T.

This is going to sound bizarre, but this is my summer routine for my feet lol. I've been doing this for about two years now and even after a pedicure my feet don't look/feel as good as this makes them feel. I do it once a week/two weeks in the summer, and once a month in the winter.

I soak them in a 1:2 vinegar to warm water ratio, with some sea salt sprinkled in, about a half a cup in a large bucket of water, for about 20-30 minutes then I scrub (I just use a wash cloth because I have sensitive skin but pumas stones work well) and I throw a pair of thick cotton socks in the dryer as I soak my feet, then I'll slather lotion on (any foot cream will do, I use one by neutragina Poland that I got as a gift from my grandmother for Christmas that's like this huuuuuge bottle lol) and I even squirt some in the sock so it soaks in, and I put on the socks as their warm. I'll go to sleep then because the socks are super slippery with all that lotion lol. When I wake up I will take the socks off and I slather on a sealant, I use coconut oil, but there are sealant lotions too. My feet look so much better and feel a lot more moisturized afterwards.

Just be careful if you have any blisters or anything, the sea salt and vinegar can really sting.

Jul 17, 2015

Jaay G.

I'm am so trying that tomorrow.

Jul 17, 2015

Hannah K.

What Alyx does has been passed down through generations of my family! It works so well.

Jul 17, 2015

Alyx T.

Hannah that's so awesome! I discovered it after a vacation when I had super sun burnt feet I googled sunburn relief and vinegar rinse then lotion came up (it hurt a lot lol) so I stopped and just put lotion and socks on and the next day I was like "my feet are soo soft" lol so I've tweaked it but it was a bizarre experience

Jul 17, 2015

Sabrina K.

What a great tip Alyx! I will have to try that!

Jul 17, 2015

Sarah N.

I agree with Tessandra. There are a ton of devices you can buy at any drugstore to remove dead skin off your feet. You'll also want to exfoliate them a few times a week and moisturize them every time after you exfoliate and every night before bed. Buy a good foot cream & lather that on then apply cotton socks. I do this every night, but I take the. socks off right before bed because I can't stand sleeping with socks on. I don't have dry feet, but I get regular pedicures and do that routine nightly so that's probably why.. my bf does though and he started doing the same as me and has noticed a huge difference. You should do this even once they get better. The skin on our feet is not as sensitive so you can easily give them a good scrub with an exfoliant a few times a week with no problem. They sell foot scrubs by the foot creams at the drugstore as well