Razor bumps 😒


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Jul 17, 2015

Monet R.

I dint have sensitive skin but I struggle a lot with razor bumps on my under arms and bikini area when I shave. I've tried changing my razor, and exfoliating before and after, but nothing seems to help.

Jul 17, 2015

Monet R.


Jul 17, 2015

katie s.

I wouldn't exfoliate before and after. Over exfoliating is never a good thing. I would recommend getting a shaving cream. I use mine and I love it! I rarely get razor bumps anymore and it gives me a closer shave.

Jul 17, 2015

Monet R.

I use shaving cream, and the exfoliating is just with a wash cloth so it's not irritating or causing problems, its just not helping.

Jul 17, 2015

Jamie L.

They make creams to use after you shave that helps so your skin doesn't get irritated

Jul 17, 2015

katie s.

Oh okay. If nothing works for you, you might have to have a dermatologist look at it. It might not be razor bumps..

Jul 17, 2015

Monet R.

Considering they only happen when I shave, and they go away in a few days I don't think it's anything other than razor bumps. 😂 Thankyou Jocelyn, I will try that.

Jul 17, 2015

Rissa G.

Are you using an old razor? I dispose of my razors every other time I shave because if they're old the razors become dull which causes razor bumps. Also, I turn the water up hotter a few minutes before I shave and let it get steamy so it can open up the pores which makes it easier. I also use conditioner instead of shaving cream, I've noticed that made a huge difference in the results; super soft and easier to shave. Let it sit for a few minutes before you shave and it's amazing. Also, I like the shave under the hot water. Oh and shave in the direction the hair grows and then after shave the opposite.. After you get out, IMMEDIATELY moisturize those areas. Those two are the most sensitive areas.

Jul 17, 2015

Becca J.

I used to get it badly in my bikini area until a friend told me to shave with the grain, I have no problems anymore!

Jul 17, 2015

Monet R.


Jul 18, 2015

katie s.

Sorry. I wasn't saying it's not. I was just trying to bring more possibilities to the table (: You could try doing some research?

Jul 23, 2015

Tai P.
