How do I fix dark lips.


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Nov 14, 2015

Sabrina K.

It's definitely not ugly to have beautiful red lips! I personally have lips that have very little natural pigmentation which means I can look cold or even a little sick if I don't use a tinted lip balm!
But our lips have the color they have and it's beautiful and unique no matter what color they are!
How old are you Autumn? Cos sometimes the younger you are the brighter you lips can be!

Nov 14, 2015

Kailey L.

I actually am super jealous of your natural lip color! I'd kill for that! I guess we always want what we can't have, eh? I don't believe there's any way to physically change the color of your lips, it's genetic. They may change as you age though. Mine are much lighter than they were when I was a teenager, but again, I think that comes down to genetics. For now I'd say just try lighter colored lipsticks, or foundation on your lips.

Nov 14, 2015

Sabrina K.

Be very careful with lemon on the lips! The skin on your lips is so so thin and sensitive and lemon juice can cause buns which amongst other things can make your skin even darker!

Nov 14, 2015

Shelley W.

Embrace 'em!! Using full opaque lippies will cancel out the color. As far as changing them yourself...dang near impossible. You could go to a plastic surgeon and gamble with lasers but they warn that those can possible backfire on you ( either making them become darker after time or looking uneven). And the procedures are very expensive.

Nov 14, 2015

Stephanie G.

As you get older you'll learn to love them. I used to be super self-conscious of my full lips---now I realize how lucky I am because most people want fuller lips. I also used to be jealous of brown-eyed people, and now my eyes are my absolute favorite feature.

It's hard at your age to feel comfortable in your skin. Remember, the only person you need to please is you. Sorry for the lecture--but since there aren't many options for changing them I thought I'd at least give you a pep talk!

Nov 14, 2015

Yaya B.

So that aint you on your profile pic? how come your using someone else's photo? and to answer your question... there is no fixing, and as other ladies stated they are beautiful in that natural rosey color why would you want to change it? like honestly all you need is a little gloss and your set to go, mo lipstick needed.

Nov 14, 2015

Yaya B.

no** not "mo"

Nov 15, 2015

Nathalie C.

Your lips are beautiful. Mine are the same colour and I love it! Looks like I always have lipstick on :)

Nov 15, 2015

Presh O.

Your lips are a gorgeous color! I'm sure a lot of people would kill for those lol
I guess lip liners and lipsticks are the best option, temporarily at least. You could cover them with concealer/foundation and then lip color over

Nov 15, 2015

Aliyyah M.

I would suggest experimenting with different shades of lip pencils & seeing which ones join well with your natural lip color. (: