How Can I Make Scabs Heal Faster?


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Nov 13, 2015

Emma S.

Hey! So I have a terrible habit of popping my zits... I know it's gross and absolutely not going to help me get rid of my acne but surprisingly it's turning out to be a really hard habit to break. Sometimes the zits will turn into scabs on my face. Is there anyway to make scabs heal faster? Also, any tips on how to break this habit are appreciated lol.

Nov 13, 2015

Sierra M.

I used to do this all the time. when I finally realized that it just turned into scabs that were hard to cover up. just wait until they are fully ready to pop and remember to use skin cleanser and scrub every morning and night ❣

Nov 13, 2015

Gabby M.

I totally know what you mean, I used to do this all the time! I find that what you need to do is just really tell yourself that it's only going to make your skin worse, and to not pick/scratch at your face, there's not really any tips or tricks I can share because for me I just had to keep telling myself not to do it haha :p eventually you kind of forget about it and get used to not picking at your face, and you'll also see a huge difference in how toned down the redness and breakouts are! Another good thing to keep reminding yourself is that if you pick or scratch at a pimple, it'll only take longer to heal& go away, like for me if I have an average sized breakout without touching it, it'll be gone or almost gone by a week, but if I pick at one about the same size it could take up to 2-3 weeks, and its harder to cover because of how red& irritated it gets! Its really a mindset thing mostly :)

Nov 13, 2015

Gabby M.

Also I notice I do it more when I'm stressed, so if thats the case for you too I'd suggest distracting yourself with something like reading a book or anything you like to do :)

Nov 13, 2015

Roz X.

You put Neosporin on it and sleep with it covered with a small bandaid..and keep it on when you are staying in and are just hanging around at home. A covered scab will heal more rapidly and prevent further picking temptations.

Nov 13, 2015

Roz X.

If you have a cluster, do the area. Try and think of it as you don't want to scar your face in the long run.

Nov 13, 2015

Emma S.

Okay thank you all soooo much!

Nov 15, 2015

Diane S.

Hardcore lip balm like carmex or blistex ;)