Cellulite problems... any suggestions?


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Nov 11, 2015

Noemy M.

So I've been having issues with cellulite recently I was wondering if anyone has used any product to help firm it. I do go to the gym because clearly it won't fully go away with using things but I do want to speed up the process. I prefer at home natural remedies but I'm open to hear about store bought products. Help me😊

Nov 11, 2015

Miriam A.

It's mostly just exercise, I don't think that remedies get rid of it, but butt, leg, and hip exercises probably do. Not sure about remedies though.

Nov 11, 2015

Noemy M.

Do you know how long till I see results? I've heard coffee brew works but it didn't do much to me lol I don't have it bad but I just don't wanna have it lol.

Nov 11, 2015

Gloria C.

I suggest you to reduce the salt and take a dietary supplement of pineapple steams. you can reduce the amount of water retention. you're doing a wonderful job going to the gym and reactivate the bloodsteam, go ahead with right food, drink a lot and you'll see the results very soon. sorry for my bad english, I hope you will see the differences very soon.

Nov 11, 2015

Miriam A.

Maybe about a few months? Not sure, really depends on the intensity and the workouts you do.

Nov 11, 2015

Breeze T.

My best advice is to keep doing what you're doing and eat unprocessed, unrefined and low-sodium foods with lots of water. Also dry brushing improves it a lot!

BUT cellulite is genetic, so if you have it you have it. I'm sorry that this is not what you wanted to hear, but I've learned to live with it and rock my dimples. It's perfectly normal to have cellulite and it's nothing to stress too much over. I mean, sure, you can diminish the appearance of it but it'll never fully disappear.
Unfortunately, advertising is always finding something new that we should "fix" but honestly we're the majority! ;) It's just a way to sell products!

Also, the "miracle anti-cellulite" products that you find in store do work, but only on the surface. They'll tighten up the skin temporarily so the dimples will show up less and the skin will definitely feel smoother at the touch- but the effects won't last long :)

Nov 11, 2015

Noemy M.

Thank you everybody! & Breeze T thank you so much just made me realize I should just live with them & rock them just like you do lol but I will continue to work out & see the process:)

Nov 11, 2015

Shelley W.

I agree with Breeze. I have a small lil area of it on my butt. I even gave it a nickname...Love Dimple. I just deal with. But if you tone of the area in question it will definitely diminish its a appearance somewhat but not completely cancel it out.

Nov 12, 2015

Noemy M.

Thank you Shelley :)

Nov 12, 2015

Mohini D.

You must try bio oil...use twice a day.

Nov 12, 2015

Hannah F.

Dry brushing (where you go over the area with some kind of rough body brush or salt scrub before you get in the shower) it increases blood flow to the area :) xx

Nov 12, 2015

Noemy M.

Thank you!!:) ima try it!