I'm scared! What is it?


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Nov 10, 2015

Lydia J.

So my stepdad noticed this bump under my lip and I'm really scared! Can anybody help me?

Nov 10, 2015

Isabella A.

Maybe it's a sore.

Nov 10, 2015

Lauren H.

Looks like the beginning of a colesore.

Nov 10, 2015

Zeema V.

If you touch that area a lot it could be a pimple under the skin. I get those on my chin when I touch it too much.

Nov 10, 2015

Delara g.

I think it's a cold sore

Nov 10, 2015

Noemy M.

Cold sore or just a zit. I agree with zeema, I get them when I mess touch around that area too much.