What do You think about conture?


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Sep 27, 2015

Marcelina S.

; )

Sep 27, 2015

Vally W.


Sep 27, 2015

Vally W.

Do you mean contour?

Sep 27, 2015

Marcelina S.

contouring* sorry

Sep 27, 2015

Marcelina S.

What I should change?

Sep 27, 2015

May H.

I would blend the cheekbone area a bit more
but other than that you look gorgeous :)

Sep 27, 2015

Madame G.

Yes that cheek area is on harsh hunny blend! :)

Sep 27, 2015

Alexis C.

It looks really harsh and really dark so I suggest using a lighter shade (1-2 shades darker than your regular skin is the perfect shade) and blend more.

Sep 27, 2015

Diana T.

Also it doesn't look like you contoured anything - it just looks like you slapped a lot of bronzer on the hollows of your cheek - can you list the products you used to create this look? I'm sorry if I sound harsh I'm just trying to give my honest opinion - and I personally prefer a natural looking contour that is undetectable like this photo on the left - while your "contour" looks more like the photo on the right - where bronzer was used to attempt to contour - this image was taken from jordan liberty's YouTube video on why you shouldn't use bronzer to contour.

Sep 27, 2015

Diana T.

Sorry in my phone the image is flipped but it's obvious which one is bronzer (left) and which is an actual contour (right) the difference is night and day.

Sep 27, 2015

Darlene V.

I agree with Diana

Sep 27, 2015

katie s.

I agree with Diana. It definitely looks like you slapped bronzer on. Plus it is really dark and harsh. Just my opinions. I would look at YouTube videos on how to properly contour! You need to list products used to or it's considered a selfie post.

Sep 29, 2015

Roz X.

2 days and no update from the poster? That's too bad because there's some excellent advice to be found. Great suggestion, Diana. Incredibly helpful.

Sep 29, 2015

Sabrina K.

Rozberry thank you for bringing attention to this! Its a shame that the poster has not returned to see all the great advice or to thank anyone!

Sep 29, 2015

Roz X.

Maybe we will get an update using the feedback provided. I hope so as it demonstrates not only sincerity in the initial inquiry, but it could maybe other members out with their own make up evolution. Let us hope...

Sep 29, 2015

Roz X.
