Shaving your arms?!


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Aug 14, 2015

Kanon K.

Just wondering is shaving or waxing your arms weird or wrong to do?

Aug 14, 2015

Monet R.

I nair my arm 😊

Aug 14, 2015

Pamela F.

I shave mine :) have done for 14 years.

Aug 14, 2015

Erin L.

Always shave mine 🙋🏼

Aug 14, 2015

Chris M.

Always wax mine. I'd Nair if it didn't give me rashes - cheaper & easier! Shaving will feel prickly as it grows out. I do find, however, that when my hair grows back, it grows straight out instead of flat on my arm (but worth it!).

Aug 14, 2015

Brooke B.

I always shave mine!

Aug 14, 2015

Madison C.

I always shave mine! It doesn't grow back faster or thicker like everyone says it will, either

Aug 14, 2015

taelor h.

It doesn't always grow back prickly if you shave, nor does it grow back thicker or darker, all of that depends on your genes & hormones.

Aug 14, 2015

Angela J.

I've never seen stubble that isn't prickly so I stick to waxing but not on a regular basis. Just when I've got an event or special day coming up.

I prefer to wax. When you wax hair it rips it out from the root causing trauma to the follicle, this allows it to grow back slower and thinner and some people find that over a prolonged period of time it doesn't grow back at all. I will shave my arms if need be but since you're just cutting the hair at the bluntest part, the stubble seems to grow back thicker (since it doesn't taper) quicker and more noticeable

Aug 14, 2015

Emme S.

I shave mine. And it's actually a myth that hair grows back thicker and darker after you shave it. In reality, the hair looks darker and thicker because that is how the base of the hair looks, but when it grows longer, it's the exact same as before. My arms stay hairless for a good month after I shave them and grow back very smoothly. My friends think it's weird, but I prefer being hairless. It feels more comfortable and makes me feel prettier. Do whatever is easiest, but I find shaving to be good enough!

Aug 14, 2015

Essie A.

I trim mine with an electric razor. Not weird at all!

Aug 14, 2015

Alyx T.

Emme- it's actually because of the blunt tip from the razor that makes it look thicker and darker, hair tapers naturally, but when you shave you are cutting it at a blunt angle, so the hair grows and hasn't tapered at all, if it's grown out it will taper from rubbing and natural exposure to things but it's not the same as a natural hair taper.

It's not weird at all.
I honestly used to shave, because it used to bother me but my skin is too sensitive and would always be itchy and red, and it was way to much work for me, my hair is dark, thick and grows quickly so if I didn't shave for 3 days I would be stubbly and my skin would look like it had dirt polka dots all over it. So I stopped caring about it. But do you, don't care if other people think it's weird:)

Aug 14, 2015

Isabel S.

My friend shaves her arms and I rub my face on them every time she comes down to visit because of how soft and smooth they are 😂😂😂 I love them and she says it's super easy and fast to shave them every couple days

Aug 14, 2015

Yaya B.

I've been doing it since I was 12... you just have to be committed because it will grow back prickly if you start shaving it and.

Aug 14, 2015

Yaya B.

If you wax itll be better because it last way longer and hair should grow back as usual

Aug 14, 2015

Jaay G.

I shave mine and it doesn't grow back as fast as my other hairs. I can go a week and a couple days before I shave them again

Aug 14, 2015

Briana G.

If your too worried about it you can try bleaching first, I bleach my hair:)

Aug 15, 2015

Kat A.

I've been shaving my arms since middle school lol.

Aug 15, 2015

Mia F.

Always waxing my arms 👌🏻💕💕

Aug 15, 2015

Kendra H.

It's your hair, and you should do whatever you feel comfortable with. I shaved my arms for a good two years before deciding to just stop because it was too much work lol
I've also heard of people using nair

Aug 15, 2015

Kanon K.

Thank you so much xx

Aug 15, 2015

Melissa M.

No of course not I use this amazing thing to shave my arms :)

Aug 15, 2015

Melissa M.

Its only $20! Leaves my arms so soft.

Aug 18, 2015

Jasminn G.

I always shave my arms and have been blessed with being able to not have to shave everyday and can skip a day! I personally don't think it's weird at all but my friends always ask me why I do it because no one else does, I personally like to always have my legs and and arms hair free but its totally your choice!