How do I heal an infected ingrown hair on my leg?


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Aug 19, 2015

Jenna L.

I shaved my legs with a new kind of razor and now I've gotten a few bumps from what I'm thinking is an infected ingrown hair. One of them looked like a pimple that I popped (definitely shouldnt have) but now it's very sore and looks infected. What can I do to stop this and heal the ones that I have?

Aug 19, 2015

Rachel W.

Try putting tea tree oil on the infected one, and don't pick at the others. Sometimes I get those bumps and I just use cocoa butter on them and they go away within a day

Aug 19, 2015

Justine S.

I would go see your doctor. That infection can get into your blood or your bone and be really bad. better safe than sorry.

Aug 19, 2015

Jenna L.

Well I don't think it's at the doctors point.. It's been a day and I just know it's a typical ingrown hair. There's no need to waste medical professional help and time for a purely cosmetic issue at the moment. I know what to look for IF it became a serious issue.

Aug 19, 2015

Stephanie G.

My mom has had ingrowns that have needed medical intervention and was told by her sister, a nurse, that you don't need to see a doctor until they are warm to the touch and larger than your thumb. At that point it's an emergency. I usually out piercing antiseptic that I get from Claire's to keep it clean and put hot water on them. That usually does the trick for me.

Aug 19, 2015

Jenna L.

Thank you! I've been using tea tree oil and it seems to have helped! I just made the mistake of picking at it :(