Beautylish community woes


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Aug 19, 2015

Jessica P.

I know this isn't allowed but I thought this community was to share opinions and give helpful advice. I've seen many times that someone a will reply and say look at youtube or Google it. This site is just like those sites except just beauty related. Expect real people interacting with real people to gain there knowledge and ideas for what we all love. I don't ask questions/try and give helpful answers much. Some days I just browse...and sometimes not think about the app for weeks cause for some reason the atmosphere here feels different. Less maturity almost.

Aug 19, 2015

Alura J.

It's mostly used for selfies now. Some of the people who have been here now do a mini tutorial but the majority don't. Everyone complained or ignored it. lol What's the point of a forum if people won't add some content that's helpful for others. If I wanted an instagram, I'd join but I think that site is pointless. I only stay here for a few people that really help with skincare  questions.

Aug 19, 2015

Alura J.

*people who have been here awhile now do mini tutorials.

Aug 19, 2015

Nikelle B.

I totally agree with each of you. I used to be on here religiously looking for information and inspiration from others. Now I just browse every now and then when I think about it.
Unfortunately, I think a lot of misunderstand what this site is for. I don't care to see selfies or see people ask "how do I look".
I learned so much from beauties on this site but now it's just being underused for the right intentions.

Aug 19, 2015

Alexis C.

I'm definitely guilty of posting MOTDs but I make sure to add as much information as I can but you could write an entire novel on how you achieved the look and ask for criticism and still get the "you look pretty" comments. I've also definitely asked my fair share of questions and learned so much during my time here and I try my best to answer any question I can. I want to give back to the place that's helped me so much however it's not the same place that it was when I first joined.

Aug 19, 2015

Alma M.

Jessica I understand, here's the thing it's the community that helps make this site and what needs to happen is the community needs to talk and start up conversation. You all are a part of this and need to really come out of your shells be a girlfriend help out, laugh, have fun. I do miss that from all of you and it takes the community to make it happen. :)

Aug 19, 2015

Alma M.

Lol thanks for the shout out Jackie ;) see This thread is a perfect example how things go stale if no one wants to continue a conversation. If someone decides to make a thread the best tip I would give is to continue being active on the thread with the community that read and commented on it. Please always be active in it and with that comes activity from other's. :)

Aug 19, 2015

Roz X.

If I know a certain youtube person can help, I will direct them there, but for the most part I try to provide my best information in conjunction with images or links specific to the question. That said, I've noticed dramatic change since I first joined. The selfie threads with no content would stop if members would either remind members of forum policy or not remark at all. There's a section for photos here where they can be enjoyed and shared. I'd love to see more members returning to their threads or providing updates. When you invest your time and relate personal experience..especially in detail, it is disheartening when all or most responses are not acknowledged. Abandoned threads..ugh. Thanking people in advance is nice, but an interactive forum requires...interaction. So creating threads with a question and then remaining silent isn't polite in my view or in keeping with the spirit of the board.

Aug 19, 2015

Diana T.

I get what you all are saying - yes the atmosphere is different but just as I feel like it's a "lazy" response to tell someone to google or go on YouTube I also feel like some posters are "lazy" for not doing some research before posting - I feel like the same posts are posted every day and some topics double up on a daily basis - I can't tell you how many time I see an "acne scars" post on here and usually multiple in the same day - and I think if member just search for old posts before they post or just take some time to do their own research before they post then maybe that will help to stop the reposting of the same topics over and over and in turn stop the people responding from giving "lazy" answers - I feel like it's a double edged sword in that if the poster is not willing to do a quick search before they post then some people that respond are also not willing to say much more than "google it" or whatever - I know that I get tired of saying the same thing over n over so sometimes I just tell people to search old posts so I'm definitely guilty of that but I'm not really sure how much else to help when it's the same topics over and over again - so I do the same where I take a break from posting until I see something new or something like that.

Aug 19, 2015

Jessica P.

Sorry ladies where I was it was super late when I posted...I agree sometimes its better to recommend YouTube if you can't explain something in detail or even help with a link to better help's my example though...a member had asked a question on a diy face wash and yes some girls did give their recipes and what they used but another member responded that the member was better off looking at YouTube to get more answers... people come here to get ideas and answers from one another and with a diy topic I know there are plenty of people on here that use diy and felt that question could be answered without YouTube...and I agree there are too many times that I've reached out to someone and given my opinion to try and help with their question and they never bother to check their post again to even say thank you for helping or even ask some more questions after...people are definitely helpful here I've gotten some great advice from the ladies here that I have taken...its just definitely different here...I remember when I first signed up for this site a group of girls got together and started weekly makeup challenges and so ladies aren't as close we all used to be and don't interact as much...some of the ladies that were around when I signed up you hardly see anymore...we are a community of strong women we need to band together that's all.

Aug 19, 2015

Sabrina K.

Jessica we can still get together and do weekly makeup challenges - We would looooove to see more of that. But as you say we are a community and we have to do it together. If we don't like how things have changes we have to help each other to make it better! So if you think we are in need of more challenges then lets do some! Reach out to the community and create one :) When there are many threads about the same thing then direct the user to the other threads. There are so many things we can do but we all have to work together - No one can change it all on its own!

Aug 19, 2015

Roz X.

I've been making a concious effort to direct members to other helpful threads where members were really informative. I always use search and really wish others would as well for the reasons Diana posted. I DO wish the search results were in descending order so I can get the latest product referral first, for example. Maybe it is just the app, but I see no rhyme or reason in how search results are listed. Still...there is a wealth of information there. It would really change the board if we could get the search feature to be utilized.
Jessica, it is good to know I'm not the only one disheartened and discouraged by abandoned threads. It is essentially saying "your efforts mean nothing"'s simply thoughtless and lazy. I've hesitated to answer on occassion when I notice a member has not returned to a thread in any fashion.

Aug 19, 2015

Sabrina K.

Rozberry you right about the search function, it could absolutely work better - you really have to learn to use the right search words to get it to work! But things like this - and the want for an edit button on the app - are things you can email the team about :) To make the app better they have to know what you feel would make it better :) You can send them an email at!

Aug 19, 2015

Roz X.

I will do that. Thanks so much, Sabrina.

Aug 19, 2015

Nicole A.

I'm going to speak on this only because this is a very important topic Jessica, I have been here at Beautylish for about 4 years now, I don't use much socal media but I just fell in love with this app/community. Now however it kinda feels like it is high school days kinda, by that I mean if you are not popular well then you don't get followers answers etc. I try to follow as many people as possible I love looking at everyone's art weather it be nails makeup hair, support is a nice feeling. Being here 4 years I barley have a 4th of the followers that I follow and that hurts. Maybe it's just because people don't like my looks, but I do so many reviews of products, why well because I love to help other beauties out before they spend there hard earned money on products that are just meh. Now on to the photos well its like one big insta feed looks of the same people over and over with a link at the bottom of the page, that isn't fair to the rest of the community. I know I've mentioned this before in other threads but it just erks me to still see it all the time. So many people I've interacted with over the years are gone and it's sad. Like I said in the beginning of this post it in my opinion only boils down to who is popular and who isnt. This is just my opinion and I felt like expressing (:

Aug 19, 2015

Jessica P.

Nicole I'm sorry you feel like this and you shouldn't everyone here is beautiful... and I feel no one should down another persons looks...remember just because a person has good looks on the outside doesn't mean they don't have an ugly soul...I don't feel anyone is better then one person because let's face reality everyone has flaws even the person you think is the prettiest...BTW thanks for the follow I did follow you back...I try and follow everyone who follows is no popularity contest if you like me then great if not then I move on...if you ever need someone to talk to email me I'll listen and give advice the best I can.

Aug 19, 2015

Alma M.

What you just said Jessica is so true and I agree with the other beauties as well. I do miss looking at your progress Jessica when you would post them.Sadly some member's have left but sadly some just couldn't follow BL rules and with that well this just wasn't the place for them. Nicole I'm sorry as well and this community needs to help support other member's by just a click and this helps all be seen on the picture feed, it's sad that other member's are not up there at time's but we have to just take the time to look at our community and click on it all. I think that this community is far more tame then what other beauty social outlets are for sure lol Also if other people try to be rude or give a I'm right attitude just laugh it off or let us know we'll try to make it better. I always think of the little fits or attitudes as just cat scratches no big deal I'll just slap on a bandaid ;)

Aug 19, 2015

Diana T.

That's true too alma - I feel like just the fact this is mainly a community of strong minds that have a passion for makeup and skincare and all things beauty - that sometimes it's hard to remember that everyone has a right to their opinion - whether or not you agree with it is kind of irrelevant but at the same time I see differences of opinion on this forum all the time and can definitely get out of hand and even down right nasty sometimes - so I think it's good if we remember that opinions are not facts they are just opinions and we should all be able to share our opinions without judgement - and that should hopefully help the community members to feel more welcomed as well as more comfortable with sharing their opinions with others without getting backlash from someone who disagrees with their methods

Aug 19, 2015

Alma M.

Yes Diana exactly, some seem to really like to be the Right voice lol but truly it all comes with trial and error and some come with people who really work or study in the field, we just need to be a team. I don't care for some comment's with strong delivery like No! Or that's horrible don't buy it, and why are people saying to buy this when it sucks... Ya that's not helpful, I think the delivery of word's makes a difference.I much rather see Oh I wouldn't recommend this it did suck a bit but I like this and it's because XYZ and oh unfortunately that didn't work out for me but this product does or Hey I would like to suggest this instead. Some have taken it to the head and we need to relax and have a good time here lol. :)

Aug 19, 2015

Rissa G.

I too just browse now. I'm hardly ever on, but I answer a few questions here and there with the best of my abilities. This atmosphere definitely has changed a bit. Maybe it's just because the people I was used to seeing around here have left and it just feels...dead. It sucks because I miss how interactive and positive this community was! I'll admit, I've answered to check YouTube a few times but that's because with questions pertaining to hair for example (how to straighten with a flat iron, how to do a certain hairstyle) I truly believe it IS easier to look at a YouTube video to learn rather than a written out explanation because to me, visually learning something is much easier than going back and forth to read.

Aug 19, 2015

Mia Z.

I feel it would be a lot easier to stay on top of threads if we could get a notification that someone commented or followed it. That's why I don't make threads anymore or comment, because sometimes I just don't remember to check. I'm never really on here anymore because it has changed and like I said I forget I commented something and don't check it.

Aug 19, 2015

Alma M.

We know what's going on here maybe WE need to start the fun up again, any suggestions? I've been wanting to do a community look for a while were we all try out our own version's of Ladies of Horror since fall is near, it could be makeup of any, hair, nails, style anything. Any thoughts? And RT you need to be on more often lol get back in the game ;)

Aug 19, 2015

Alma M.

Mia have you checked your follows thread?

Aug 19, 2015

Mia Z.

I have, it's like I said, I'll go on with my day and completely forget about coming on here. I like the follows thread but a notification for the app would be more helpful. I would check back then.

Aug 19, 2015

Diana T.

I remember when you did that contouring challenge alma and asked to follow exact instructions from YouTube and use the same type of products they suggest (bronzer and all) and that was really fun but also very informative and educational - I like challenges like that and would love to see more