Crazy Acne With So Much Hurt.


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Aug 22, 2015

Ilham E.

Please can someone help me and tell me what to do with this acne.

Aug 22, 2015

Ilham E.

it really hurt

Aug 22, 2015

Tamara F.

Looks and sounds like my cystic acne. It's going to hurt for a little while. When mine is really bad, I do a mask, gentle cleanser, toner with salicylic acid, an acne clearing gel, and then moisturizer. Sometimes a steam will reduce the swelling but not always. Whatever you do, don't pop them and if acne scarring occurs use vitamin c serum and SPF during the day to get rid of them. Is this type of acne new for you?

Aug 22, 2015

Diana T.

It looks like cystic acne - there are a couple things you can use to treat it that will work fast - for redness and swelling tea tree oil works well - to reduce the size and help it come to a head more quickly I use a sulfur mask to dry it out and/or the buffering lotion (it's actually a spot treatment) by Mario badescu - they also have a drying mask that is sulfur based that is also great - that's usually what helps me with my cystic acne - but you have to understand the source of the acne is likely hormonal and to treat that you may need the help of a dermatologist or esthetician to treat it properly.

Aug 22, 2015

Sabrie M.

That could be hormonal ace I would go see a dermatologist and get their opinion but the best thing since it hurts use a gentle cleanser I use tea tree soap and it's not harsh on my skin at all I've been dealing with ance for about a year now so you just have to find what works for you but like I said start with gentle cleanser then work your way up to using stronger products

Aug 22, 2015

Tamara F.

Diana, do you use the Mario Badescu drying lotion? I've heard great things but haven't tried because it has alcohol in it which doesn't do well for my cystic acne. Kate Somerville has one with no alcohol that I'm thinking of getting and keeping handy for breakouts.

Aug 22, 2015

Saybrah W.

Maybe use hot compresses to help soothe it and bring them to a head.

Aug 22, 2015

Diana T.

I have used the drying lotion but I usually only use it on white heads not on my cystic bumps - I found the buffering lotion works better for the cystic bumps - if I even feel one staring under my skin (and I know you know what I mean :P) then I grab that stuff and put it on and sometimes it stops it from even becoming a bump on the surface in the first place - it really is great for cystic acne and if it doesn't stop it there it is good at bringing it to a head more quickly than normal (like a week instead of the normal 3-4 weeks it usually takes)

Aug 22, 2015

Robin M.

benzoyl peroxide!

Aug 22, 2015

Mandy C.

I put honey on my pimples it works great, reduces the size and pain really quick.

Aug 22, 2015

Sara D.

I've been using Proactiv+ for only a couple days and it's already working pretty good! I have bad acne and it hurts horribly! The pain is starting to go away though.

Aug 22, 2015

Ilham E.

thanks girls ^_^

Aug 22, 2015

Ilham E.

Non of the tee tree oil work with or salicylic acid work. and about the products that you've telling me about a can't buy anything cuz I'm from Morocco and we have only fresh products.

Aug 22, 2015

Sabrie M.

Okay I would check out this website they help me slot and they ship international it explains everything about the products on the website

Aug 22, 2015

Sabrie M.


Aug 22, 2015

Sabrie M.

There products are good and they also have have a code you use to take 20% off your purchase but check there website out I learn a lot just from this website this is what really help me with my ance and told me what products are best to use

Aug 22, 2015

Ilham E.

Thank you so much

Aug 22, 2015

Nancy L.

Honestly, your best bet is to see a dermatologist. If it's cystic hormonal acne, none of the typical products you would reach for (benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, ect.) will work, simply because your hormones are out of whack and none of those products will affect the actual problem, they'll just dry out your skin.
I had hormonal cystic acne last summer and I went to a dermatologist for the first time and he put me on an antibiotic and spironolactone. Spironolactone is a diuretic with endocrine related side effects (this means the medicine blocks a certain percentage of fluid reabsorption into your kidneys, and you pee that fluid out instead of reabsorbing it. This also means that the medicine helps balance your hormones.)
With cystic hormonal acne, your estrogen and testosterone levels are not I balance, therefore you need a medicine that will help restore balance again. None of the typical acne products you would find over the counter will do this for you.
Anyways, I recommend seeing a derm and asking about spironolactone. It's seriously completely changed my skin!
I'm still on the medication, but I can tell you that my last cystic acne break out (or regular pimple for that matter) was last September!!
My skin is completely clear! I also used to have really oily skin, and now my skin is neither oily not dry!! Completely normal skin!
Honestly sometimes I'm still in shock at how amazing this medicine is. I can show you a picture of how bad it used to be.

Aug 22, 2015

Sabrie M.

Your welcome Hun if you have any questions by all means message me I been knowing about there website for a year now

Aug 22, 2015

Sabrie M.

Also you can do your own research which I did youtube really help me out

Aug 23, 2015

Tamara F.

My doctor put me on birth control pills and synthroid after doing an extensive blood test. I still get breakouts and they still hurt but they aren't nearly as bad as they once were. I didn't like what any of the other options meant for my body.

Aug 23, 2015

Ilham E.

Thanks again for every girl. ^_^ oi will do with your advices