HELP! I need a bit of advice on my face.


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Aug 23, 2015

Isabel S.

This is going to be short I promise. so I'm going to the dermatologist tomorrow and I was wondering if I should take off my makeup before I go? I've never been so I don't know if they're going to inspect my pimply face lol.

Aug 23, 2015

Jamie D.

Typically you should wear no makeup to a dermatologist so that they can assess your skin. I never wear makeup to my appointments, and if you do I bet they'll make you take it off anyways :)

Aug 24, 2015

Alyx T.

Yeah. As long as your going for skin problems on your face. They're going to want to see your skin. If you wear makeup bring your makeup remover or wipes so if they want you to they can get you to remove it without you being harsh on your skin.

Aug 24, 2015

Kitty K.

I never go to my dermatologist with make up, they usually ask if I have on any kind of make up before assessing my skin so that they can remove it.

Aug 24, 2015

Isabel S.

Okay awesome thank you guys so much! I'll bring my wipes with me (-: