Belly button piercing


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Aug 10, 2015

Anneliese B.

My sister and I were thinking about getting our belly button pierced and we were wondering what are the cons of getting it done? Does it scar at all? Thanks (:

Aug 10, 2015

Katie C.

I've had plenty of friends who've done it and the thing they complain about most is how it catches on stuff easily. Especially for a few months afterwards it will be really spre and sensitive. And be sure to clean it.

Aug 10, 2015

Katie C.

Sore* not spre xD.

Aug 10, 2015

katie s.

Top 3 Cons of a Belly Button Piercing

1.) Healing time. As you grow up, our skin tends to become less elastic and it would take longer to heal. Once it's done, it might take months to heal completely.
2.) High Maintenance. There is a long list of do's and don'ts that you'd have to adhere to. You'd have to avoid swimming pools and hot tubs. You'd want to wear looser clothes and clean daily. Wouldn't want to rub it and you'd have to avoid physical impact. These are all necessary during the healing process. Any bruising, infection, or pressure will just add to the healing time.
3.) Your Body Might Not Agree. In some instances, the body wouldn't allow a pore to remain open. It would consistently close the pore. In other cases, the skin may become thinner when a piece of jewelry is put on. These can happen from several reasons. One being, having an improper piercing for one's skin. Others being the hole getting bigger and bigger.

I got all my information from:

If you are really interested in getting one, I'd read the information off this site for further detail. They show a list of pros and cons and also how to keep it from getting infected.

Aug 10, 2015

Chelsea V.

I love it, but take note that it takes a while to heal :) I haven't had any problems.

Aug 11, 2015

Lily G.

I got mine done almost a year ago, and it took about 5 months for it too heal. healing was the worst for the first few weeks; it was sore, oozing, and got caught on things. Mine took a long due to physical activities. But now that it's healed it doesn't hurt at all and I love it. Healing time is annoying, but you'll love it anyways! good luck :)

Aug 11, 2015

Kat H.

My daughter's had one for many years with no problems. I had one for only a few months - my body rejected it and literally spit it out! Now I have a big keloid scar there... :-(

Aug 13, 2015

Grace M.

I got one when I turned 15. It was sore but I love going out and showing it off! It's a confidence booster:)