Length and Separation, recommendations?


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Aug 28, 2015

Amber L.

Hey everyone!

I'm looking for a new mascara as the one I have currently is getting too old and dry. I am using Benefit's They're Real and I like the look of it but would like to try something new. I'm specifically looking for a mascara that gives me length and seperation, with no clumps. I like the look of false lashes with lots of long, separated lashes. I don't have a specific budget, so either high or low end would be great. Thanks!

Aug 28, 2015

Alyx T.

Try the tartes lights camera lashes, in the purple tube. It never clumps up and makes my lashes very separated. :)

Aug 28, 2015

Kitty K.

L'oreal's telescopic mascara gives me beautiful length and separation.
You could also check out this thread that has the same question http://www.beautylish.com/t/icaxgc/good-mascaras-for-length

Aug 28, 2015

Amber L.

Thank you Alyx! I've been looking into it, it does look great!

Thanks kitty! I'll definitely look into the L'oreal

Aug 28, 2015

Stephanie B.

I second the L'Or?al Telescopic, its my favourite mascara :) I like to purchase the shade Carbon Black in the black tube, but there is a normal black in a gold tube as well!

Aug 28, 2015

Amber L.

Thank you Stephanie! Is there a difference between the formulas of the L'oreal telescopic as I've noticed there's quite a few different formulas?

Aug 28, 2015

Nicole M.

Maybelline great lash lots of lashes!! I just got it and I just tried it and it makes my lashes so long and separated with no clumps with one coat!! And in Canada it's only $4.99!! I highly recommend it💖

Aug 28, 2015

Amber L.

Thanks Nicole! I'll add that to my list of options, it sounds great!

Aug 28, 2015

Sadia B.

Benefit rollah lash gives good length and no clumps, it is a lot different to they're real. x

Aug 28, 2015

Stephanie B.

No the Telescopic Original and the Telescopic Carbon Black have the same formula, however the Carbon Black is a much darker, richer black in my opinion :) They recently came out with a new one called the Telescopic Shocking Extensions mascara and I've never tried it, but I've heard really good reviews.

Aug 28, 2015

Amber L.

Thank you Sadia!

Oh okay, thanks Stephanie! I'll look into the Shocking Extensions one as well!