Cleaning Stubborn Stains On My Breauty Blender.


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Sep 6, 2015

Sonja B.

I left my beauty blender with my makeup for a week (yes, I know...) and now I can;t get it clean. I triedthe liquid beauty blender cleaner, Dr Bronner liquid cleander... nothing. any ideas how to get these stains off? thanks!!

Sep 6, 2015

Kyla K.

No matter what it's going to always have the stain, but that doesn't mean it's "dirty" just make sure you clean it as often as possible

Sep 8, 2015

Tamara F.

Mine have no stains. I agree with Aryana about the bar. It's the best at getting it back to its completely pink self. Use warm water and work up a good lather. If you've had your BeautyBlender for over three months then you might need to just throw it out and get a new one.