Foundation Breaks Me Out! Any Suggestions?


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Feb 21, 2013

Sarah M.

I find that foundation breaks me out, I'm quite spot prone. Any alternative to foundation or skin friendly foundation?

Feb 21, 2013

Lolli S.

Another site had the same post bt maybe bare minerals.

Feb 21, 2013

Kimberly N.

Bb cream! I always break out when I wear foundation. I use loreal bb cream and it gives me really good coverage and I don't break out at all! I also put Almay TLC powder on top. It's so light, I can barely tell I'm wearing makeup.

Feb 21, 2013

Brittany O.

Clinique has a line of foundations with salicylic acid in them that helps treat and prevent spots! Ask them for a tester and see if that works for you! Also an organic foundation may work, it won't have the chemicals that can cause breakouts

Feb 21, 2013

Amanda M.

Try a bb cream I use maybeline dream fresh bb cream :)

Feb 21, 2013

Emily L.

BB cream!!

Feb 22, 2013

Kayla B.

Try using primer before applying foundation.

Feb 22, 2013

Suzi R.

I actually had this problem for a VERY long time, I tried everything, Clinique, neutrogena, organic makeup and I found only two that really worked for me and didn't make me break out tarte Amazonian clay foundation and benefit oxygen wow foundation! The benefit one is so light and airy, it really lets your skin breath. :)

Feb 22, 2013

Felicia H.


Feb 22, 2013

Amber B.

BB Cream might not.

Feb 22, 2013

Lexis G.

Use a bb cream.

Feb 22, 2013

Catherine C.

I think you should try a bb cream. they ate very light and moisturizing so they do noy break you out

Feb 22, 2013

Ashley A.

You need a primer, bb cream does the same thing. The reason I say primer is because it creates a barrier from your face and your foundation. You might want to switch to a foundation like naked from revlon or urban decay.

Feb 22, 2013

Sarah B.

If anything, I would test the waters to see what the real cause of your acne is. Many people assume that it's wearing makeup that makes them have problematic skin.

I would suggest wearing a natural foundation and always washing your face when you're not out. I often times apply my foundation and eye makeup in the morning for work, and when I get home at 5, I just feel like I HAVE to refresh my face! If I have plans that night, I can always reapply a fresh face!

Try Lush's Colour Essentials - mix a bit with some moisturizer and apply liberally all over face. This is very true to color and pigmented, you barely need any of the colour.. the pot could last you forever if you wanted. You could even go back with the pure colour essential and use as a concealer!,en_US,sc.html

Feb 22, 2013

xxelmizxx x.

Try BB Cream or put on a primer before doing your fondation!:)