Does This Look Ok?


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Feb 19, 2013

Chelsey W.

It has a bump in it that Idk why but just wasn't very noticible in the pic, a braid in the side, and my ponytail is a messy wave, and spiral curls down the side. I have a black headband with fake gems on as well. opinions and ways to make it look better? my hair is dark brown and looks almost auburn in this pic.

Feb 20, 2013

Linda G.

Yea :) it's cute.

Feb 20, 2013

Jayde P.

Its cute! But maybe a messy high bun , instead of the ponytail (:

Feb 21, 2013

Rebekka U.

You have a lot going on in this hair style. Great potential but I think you should take it down a notch. If you go for the messy look, with the side braid and wavy pony I would eliminate the bump. If you do the bump and the braid, clean it up my smoothing the sides, and like Jayde P. said put your hair in a bun. As you have short hair a top knot would be hard, but a little bun will help to take this hair style to the next level. Also I would choose either the side curly or the front bangs but not both. You have the great start to a lot of different hairstyles, simplify the style.