Men's Cologne: Should Women Wear It?


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Mar 6, 2013

Kenisha M.

So I recently bought this men's cologne from Rue21 (its called Revert). I think it smells super bomb and I don't really care if its for men because it smells so good. So I just wanted to get some opinions. Do you think its weird when a girl wears cologne?

Mar 6, 2013

Liz S.

I wear this playboy scent, (not for the name) it just reminds me of my boyfriend, and it smells delicious! My friends smell me and say " You smell like you walked through the guys locker room" and it's a compliment!

Mar 6, 2013

Meg M.

Yes. you shouldn't wear it..

Mar 6, 2013

Chloe S.

I love wearing mens cologne sometimes. Womens perfume can so wayyy too floral and fruity

Mar 6, 2013

Kaelyn C.

I don't see why not , and I agree, lots of women's perfume is sickeningly floral/fruity!

Mar 6, 2013

Kelsey V.

I have YSL Cologne that I wear- it smells amazing and stays on way better than perfume.

Mar 6, 2013

Caitlin M.

If it smells good wear it!! I don't think anyone has any right to complain. At least you don't smell like be.o. right? Lol. If Giorgio Armani hadn't made Acqua Di Gioia, the women's fragrance counter part to Acqua Di Gio, I would have totally bought the cologne and worn it. It smells amazing. I love the perfume but the cologne just smells better.

Mar 6, 2013

Krissy J.

I looovveee cologne<3
Wear it! =D

Mar 6, 2013

Alice H.

It's not weird at all! Actually, there are studies that show that women's pheremones slightly change the scent of cologne, so to others it doesn't smell like...mannish, if that makes sense?

Mar 6, 2013

Bryanna S.

My favorite scent is Viktor&Rolf's Spicebomb. I absolutely love it--I think it smells so amazing! I personally think that a lot of colognes work well as more sultry perfumes, and if you like how it smells on you... who cares if it's a cologne or perfume? :)

Mar 6, 2013

Jennifer P.

I don't see anything wrong with that. If you like the scent wear it, who cares what gender it's geared toward.

I love spraying bod everywhere because it reminds me of my boyfriend.

Wear whatever you love! I work at VS, and while an old, popular scent 'Rapture' is marketed as a women's perfume, it's technically a cologne. (Says so right on the box!) Sometimes I like wearing a very very light spray of VS for him, makes me feel like a boss. xD.

Mar 7, 2013

Carly M.

I wear guys deodersnt cause it works better and smells heavenly.. important tempted to wear cologne but I'd rather smell it on my boyfriend than myself..but go for it if it'll make you feel good :)

Sep 2, 2013

Joshua W.

Perfume is the purest form of art and it does not have a gender just scent, scent is devided between male and female mostly for retail but there is a aesthetic ideal of m/f. about 70% of male scents will be lavender.."The fougere royal in 1882", many women love lavender sadly its not put in most women's scents. If you really want to know perfume wear whatever you want, most mens scent won't come in perfume though.