Blonde Questions! :)


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Feb 24, 2013

Ruby H.

Hi girls! :)
quick questions, if I were to dye my hair any colour lighter or darker would it change the colour that my hair grows? I'm told I have nice hair so I don't wanna start having to pay for highlights for the rest of me life at 16.
And does semi-permanent dye wear out your hair and make it dry?
thank you :) x

Feb 24, 2013

Tracie K.

Your hair will grow thru its natural colour, so you would have to keep the highlighting up. Semi perm colour does fade if you go lighter than your natural colour the dye has peroxide in it so it will damage your hair x

Feb 24, 2013

Ruby H.

Ok thank you :D.

Feb 24, 2013

Amber P.

This doesn't really answer either of your questions but I have light blonde hair and two years ago I died the bottom layer of my hair brown. It was supposed to last 6 weeks but its still in my hair. Two years. So you might want to be careful with the dyes.

Feb 24, 2013

Jenn B.

I have light blonde hair also and I dyed my hair a dark auburn. The problem w/ blondes going dark is when you want to go back to your natural color. Because we have to bleach out the color. And depending on how dark you go it will take more bleach. So it took me 3 sessions a couple months apart to get my hair back to normal. During those couple of months I had the ugliest orange hair. I am just telling you this because I never thought about it like that, and I probably wouldn't do it again if I knew. Ps. Once I got back to natural color my hair was exactly the same as before. Good luck!

Feb 24, 2013

Ruby H.

Great, thanks so much :)