Is this cute, or too frizzy?


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Feb 24, 2013

Allie R.

Is my hair okay like this, or is it too frizzy to be good?

Feb 24, 2013

Allie R.

Here's a closer one.

Feb 24, 2013

Katy M.


Feb 24, 2013

Angela S.

no its oke!:)

Feb 24, 2013

Monica R.


Feb 24, 2013

Ray S.

How did you do it?

Feb 24, 2013

Allie R.

Ray, I just washed my hair, and blow dried it until it was nearly completely dried, and then pulled it all into a french-ish braid (didn't add to the middle strand, just outsides) and left it in all day, and this is what I got! My hair is pretty naturally wavy, so I think that helped a bit too.