Red and Gold eye makeup... Oui?


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Feb 15, 2013

Kim S.

Personally pretty happy with this today :)

Feb 15, 2013

Sree K.

So perfect as always!!

Feb 15, 2013

Alma M.

So pretty kim

Feb 15, 2013

Kim S.

Thaanks. This is my going to work makeup haha. Wtf is up with me :s x

Feb 15, 2013

Lolli S.

@kim s. I truly love that Indian type look and colors to meeee it reminds me of that.beautiful!!

Feb 15, 2013

Kim S.

@Lola G Yeah I see what you mean, me too... If only I had the darker skin to go with it!x

Feb 15, 2013

Shelley W.

I always look forward to seeing your work Kim. This one doesn't disappoint.

Feb 16, 2013

Kim S.

Thank you! :) I've never tried this look before where you highlight the centre of the eyelid instead of the inner corner how I normally would want to do it. I wasn't sure because I'd seen it done so nicely but also seen it done really badly, but I'd been tempted for a while so I tried it and I'm actually so pleased with it. One of my favourite I've done in a while. Seriously though, never start a makeup blog, applying makeup WILL take over your life. I've always worn a lot but its definitely gotten worse lol x