How To U Make Newspaper Nails Defined As Possible.


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Feb 10, 2013

Rose H.

I tried the newspaper nails and for next time I want the print to be darker and more defined any tips how to do tht? I used rubbing alcohol and white nail polish. Some one on YouTube said tht whiskey works better...?

Feb 10, 2013

Martha H.

I've done these type of designs.. To make it darker I just pressed harder for longer time. Even though it could get all over the finger you're pressing with..

Feb 10, 2013

Rose H.

Ok thanks looking up %-age of Alcohol in household items

Feb 10, 2013

Rose H.

Perfume and almond or mint extracts come up with the most.

Feb 11, 2013

Kelly H.

I use vodka and press it down for about 20 secs per nail and it works dark.

Feb 11, 2013

Rose H.

Ok thanks

Feb 11, 2013

Christine D.

Do you put the alcohol directly on the newspaper?