The power of make up..


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Feb 12, 2013

Courtney O.

I came across this picture. I realized how amazing make up is and how much it can change a person. It's incredible! Do any of you have before and after pictures that are just simply like "Dang.. that's incredible!" Would love to see other transformations :)

Feb 12, 2013

Courtney O.

Aw no one, how depressing haha.

Feb 12, 2013

Elaine L.


Feb 12, 2013

Bunga J.


Feb 12, 2013

Louise S.


Feb 12, 2013

Courtney O.

She looks like a whole new person it's amazing.

Feb 12, 2013

F F.

Def opened her eyes! I love make up💜

Feb 12, 2013

Becca T.

Taiwanese/Koreans girls have very good makeup skills!

Feb 12, 2013

Brook F.


Feb 12, 2013

Brook F.


Feb 12, 2013

Brianna E.

As amazing as that top picture is if she ever wants to go in public without all that make up she will look like a completely different person. Make up should enhance your look not make it look like you have a mask. Just my opinion

Feb 12, 2013

Jes T.

Brook youre so pretty you dont even need make up :-) before and after of me. oh good lord lol

Feb 12, 2013

Becca T.

"there's is no ugly woman, only lazy ones"

Feb 12, 2013

Becca T.

From a taiwanese show.

Feb 12, 2013

Hannah H.

There is no way that last one is true.. her real eye is so much smaller than the other in it.. like it's blown up or something.

Feb 12, 2013

Emily W.

Circle lenses, eyelid tape, false eyelashes, and white eyeliner. Not a fake image, just an incredible illusion.

Feb 12, 2013

Lolli S.

Great illusion whatever wks.jst like dark eyeshadow on sides of your nose cn mk it look slimmer.

Feb 12, 2013

Alma M.

@Emily, yup that was all the tools :-) makeup is magic

Feb 13, 2013

Emily W.

My roommate last year was Chinese and she used to do that whole routine in our bathroom every morning. It was crazy how much work she put into changing her appearance! The eyelid tape in particular seemed so uncomfortable... She got me hooked on circle lenses though! ;)

Courtney O.

Sacramento, California