Lipstick won't last!


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Feb 11, 2013

Iris x R.

Help! If I have lipstick on, it quickly off again, does anyone know something for so long stays.

Feb 11, 2013

Brittne B.

Rub a tiny bit of concealer over your lips, and if you can fill in your lips with a lip liner that is the same color as the lipstick. This way you won't have to apply as much, it will last longer, and it won't bleed. Hope this helps.

Feb 12, 2013

Lolli S.

Try benefit lip primer or 24 hr maybelline sure you blot too.

Feb 12, 2013

Alma M.

Lip primer and translucent powder should help set it.

Feb 15, 2013

Smilja S.

I always put foundation before lipstick,and then lipstick and translucent powder over it,and after that one more layer of lipstick and translucent powder...The more thin layers and it will last longer :)