New Look, Fresh Start.


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Feb 16, 2013

Jessica M.

Hi ladies I'm new :) so I need advice, I fell in LOVE with this haircut do you think I could pull it off..I've had my hair in a bob for a while already but my hair grew..I need a new look.

Feb 16, 2013

Mindy M.

I think you could pull it off(:

Feb 16, 2013

Jessica M.

Aww thanks :) I sure hope so cuz if I cut it I won't be able to go back lol.

Feb 16, 2013

Allison W.

Would you die it blonde also?

Feb 16, 2013

Jessica M.

No, I'm gna dye it red auburn color or dark purple..I love edgy looks.

Feb 16, 2013

Jessica M.

this color

Feb 16, 2013

Jessica M.

or this

Feb 16, 2013

Crystal L.

Since you're loving the haircut, go for it. Obviously ask your hair dresser about shaping and stuff but it's just hair, it will grow back if you don't like it and there are always extensions.

I like the idea of going red/purple, it adds edge to it.

Feb 16, 2013

Jessica M.

Thanks Crystal :) ill make sure to talk to the hair dresser cuz it may look nice on her but who knows how it'll come out on me cuz I have thick hair. I'm going towards the edgy look so I think purple suits me better, thanks :)

Feb 16, 2013

Crystal L.

I just saw the purple and love it waaay more. I completely agree with you.

Feb 16, 2013

Jessica M.

What about this ombre hair color??

Feb 16, 2013

Crystal L.

I still prefer the purple as it adds edge but do what your heart desire =)

Feb 16, 2013

Jessica M.

Lol yea your right, I do like the purple better :)

Feb 16, 2013

Jessica M.

thank you :)

Feb 16, 2013

Crystal L.

No prob. Hope you will love your new cut =)

Feb 16, 2013

Jessica M.

thanks me too :)

Feb 16, 2013

Jessica M.

Thanks hun :) great advice, I will post a pic soon..wish me luck :)