Do you prefer a bold eye or a bold lip?


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Jan 29, 2013

Catherine W.

I'm curious to see which one you girls prefer.
I personally love my eyes and with my fair complexion I like to do my statement makeup on my eyes rather than my lips most of the time.
Occasionally I'll do a bold lip but for the most part it's all about my eyes.
What do you girlies like to do and why?

Jan 29, 2013

Amy O.

My eyes.


Jan 29, 2013

Shelley W.

As of lately I've been loving a bold eye. Over the holidays my focus was bold lips. I like switching it up. 

Jan 29, 2013

Star W.


Jan 29, 2013

Ashley H.

Most days I like a bold eye, but on the days I don't have much time a bold lip is so effortless!

Jessica S.

Jan 29, 2013

Jessica S.

I love a bold eye and a nude lip. Bold lips look very 80's to me. I lived it- i dont want to see it any more. :) 

Jan 29, 2013

Evelyne K.

Both but lipstick doesnt suit me unfortunately so i usually go for dramatic eyes and nude lips

Jan 29, 2013

Isabel A.


Jan 29, 2013

Mimi A.

bold lips.

Jan 29, 2013

Cecilie A.

Bold eyes.

Jan 29, 2013

Magdalena A.

I prefer bold eyes! Lipstick does not look good on me so only natural or lightly tinted lipgloss or lip balm only.

Jan 29, 2013

Denise H.

My eyes cause the moment I drink a soda my lipsticks all gone LOL ! xoxoxoxo

Jan 29, 2013

Casen C.

Bold lip. 

Jan 29, 2013

Laura M.


Jan 29, 2013

Lauren B.


Jan 29, 2013

Makayla L.


Jan 29, 2013

Bailey D.

Definitely bold eyes, I dont think I pull off bold lips too well.

Jan 29, 2013

Janet M.

Lips. I love bold eyes but I love pairing most things with a deep red colour. 

Jan 29, 2013

Bianca O.

Depends in the day but I love bold lips :-)

Jan 29, 2013

Bianca O.


Jan 29, 2013

Abby C.


Jan 29, 2013

Ana J.

personally,i prefer a bold lip. But usually i do a bold eye, because the eyeshadow lasts all night without any retouching, compared to the lipstick/liner/gloss

Jan 29, 2013

Lauren P.

I love a bold lip :)
My faves are macs rebel
And top shops infrared 

Jan 29, 2013

Dori W.

bold eye! my lips are bold enough lol b/c they're so full. 

Jan 29, 2013

Yanny G.

Bold lip! But at night def Bold eyes! :))

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