Need a new do! cut or color?


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Jan 29, 2013

Shelly H.

Lately ive been itching for something new for my hair. my sis insists that I dyebot a shade or two darker than my natural...but I like keeping everything pretty natural. I dont want to go back dying my hair. shorter hair cuts, like the pixie have had my eye lately. Im short, petite and have a pretty feminine face so most likely i could pull it off.but i just dont think I have the courage to cut off my soft, straight hair and for pixies...I feel like girls who pull it off have 'that look' feel free to give your opibions on any of this! :)

Jan 29, 2013

Rafaela M.

If you cut your hair that short they will take forever to grow back! :/ my 3 best had beautiful long hair and cut them and they seriously regretted it:/ and let's face it, long hair is more attactive and feminine..:). You could dye your hair like you said, a shade or two darker than you natural, so that when you decide you dont want them anymore it will be easier to come back.  Xx

Jan 29, 2013

Shelly H.

I love your input! Long hair is beautiful! however being a student its difficult to style my hair to look nice everyday. I think thats where the pixie is an attractive idea = less maintenence

Jan 29, 2013

Ailsa E.

perhaps u could try shoulder length as it is easier to look after than really long hair and maybe a fringe of some sort could make a real difference if u don't want to colour your hair hope this helps :)

Jan 29, 2013

Sarah M.

you'd look adorable with a pixie!

Jan 29, 2013

Nicole R.

You could try a lot of layers. It's a great cut for curling, leaving it straight, or putting it in a cute messy bun. I flip my ends in a little bit when straightening to give it a little something without much effort. And with the layers you can still keep the length but not so much weight.

Jan 29, 2013

Shelly H.

layers actually make my hair look odd..I have fine soft hair. im at a salon with the bf now and his salon tech just told me a pixie can actually be more maintenence than long hair. I think id look great with a pixie too :) it just seems like a big deal I wish it werent.

Jan 29, 2013

Nicole R.

I'm sure you'll love it. It's gonna take a little while to get used to such a drastic change, but when you get home and play with it and style it a million different ways, you'll come to love it. Good luck with the new cut :)