How Often Should You Wash Your Face A Day?


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Jan 30, 2013

Stephanie E.

This what I use!

Jan 30, 2013

Emma E.

I wash mine 2 times a day at night and in the morning

Jan 30, 2013

Crystal W.

i have moderate acne too, i wash my face 2-3 Times a day. i recomend using all natural products that has helped me SO much! scrubs (like neutrogena) are not good for your skin at all!! it takes off the dead skin yeah, but it also tears up the healthy skin. 

Jan 30, 2013

Asriyani Y. the morning and night  

Jan 30, 2013

Danielle D.

I wash my face at night only and rinse it with warm water in the am! I have dry skin right now from the cold weather, so I don't like to use to much soap. I have a skin care routine video on my YouTube channel graceandglamor! Maybe it will help you out!

Jan 30, 2013

Erin N.


Jan 30, 2013

Loren B.

Fyi- Minors should avoid salicylic acid (aspirin) in all forms except under a Dr orders. Minors have more absorbent skin and will absorb a higher dose for the same application than an adult. It can interact with a wide variety of medications and can be dangerous for people with health complications ( like diabetes). Using it while sick can cause Reyes syndrome which can result in blindness. 

Jan 30, 2013

Cassy V.

DO NOT use proactive, and once at night is fine, but twice at the most. If you wash your face too much you can remove necessary oils and can actually cause more irritation. 

Jan 30, 2013

Jenna L.

Twice a day is what's recommended. If you're using the proper products, like moisturizers then it shouldn't dry your face out

Jan 30, 2013

Ashley B.

Cleanse your skin twice and use a Clarasonic. Works wonders!

Jan 30, 2013

Apu R.

especially before u hit da pillow :-)

Feb 3, 2013

Candice M.

Realistically you should just cleanse at night. Your skin repairs itself at night ... Even if your skin is oily just rinse you face with either a Clairsonic or wet wash cloth but no cleanser. If you think about it if your just sleeping and not wearing makeup or out doing anything to make you sweaty your face is still clean from the night before. If you wash it back to back it can be to harsh for your skin which will cause you to break out more. If you have open sores/ pimples on your face DO NOT use a facial scrub this can irritate and spread germs and bacterial.

Feb 3, 2013

Candice M.

* should say... Just rinse your skin with water and Clairsonic or wash cloth in the morning.

Feb 3, 2013

Mary B.

Twice. Once in the morning once at night. You want to make sure you're using a good cleanser for combination skin and an appropriate Moisturizer. You absolutely must moisturize your skin. I would do this twice a day after cleansing. Choose an oil free moisturizer. Make sure to exfoliate your skin 2 to 3 times a week. If you have an active break out never use a scrub this will spread your pimples. You can use a mask on a day that you are not exfoliating. I find That toners only strip my skin even more so I opt not to use them. Do not pop your pimples. You don't want scarring and you don't want to make them worse. Oil pushes oil. What this means is that if you use warm mineral oil and rub it on your pimples it will help push the oil to the surface of your skin bringing out the impurities as opposed to trying to dry him off with toothpaste or other topicals that are only going to dry out the surface of your skin. You want to massage the oil well and you may want to do this twice a day depending on how serious you are about getting rid of your acne. Don't be afraid of mineral oil. This will cause whiteheads to appear on the surface of your skin which can easily be extracted with an extractor. I would take a Q-tip and dip it in witch hazel or alcohol and just Dampsey area where you have extracted the whitehead so that it is Seinna ties and will not spread to other areas of your face and then I would moisturize