"Rude people" Be Beautiful ..


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Jan 27, 2013

Jazmyne R.

Some of these girls is just so mean and rude .. Maybe they the ones with the insecure problem why they always putting down people if they ask if they beautiful if you notice they all young girls asking these questions. we was once they age before. and we use to ask that same question I am I pretty? ? why don't you say to those young girls yes you are then change subject don't put them down when. they ask a simple question ......

Jan 27, 2013

Kim Y.


Jan 27, 2013

Tyler B.

I never use to go on the internet and ask a bunch of strangers if I was pretty or ask for boy crush advice and so on..I'd rather be honest than be fake.I'm not rude or trying to put them down, it's just the way it is imafraid, they ask for it, they need to face the consequences. 

Jan 27, 2013

Loren B.

You can always ignore the post, that's what headers are for.

Don't underestimate the mental/ confidence factor of beauty, it's huge. Cosmetics are really just a reassurance and permission to feel beautiful. Some people need that reassuring. Maybe someone tells them they are ugly all the time or they were simply never told they were beautiful by anyone, etc. while I think it's abusive to have your makeup voted on daily ( you know who you are) I think it is not only acceptable but a vital roll to remind each other young and old we are all beautiful and it's a huge disservice for being stingy with sharing confidence. It's okay to give as long as take. 

Jan 27, 2013

Alyse M.

yeah, i never did that. i'm with erica.

loren, it's pretty hard to ignore when the page is filled up with those threads! it's annoying to have to dig through those 'fluff' threads that aren't contributing to get to the threads that i could be helpful in. i have advice to give and would love to share what i know with others but that is getting increasingly more and more difficult to do because it's too much hassle to go through all the junk.