My hairs not growing at all I have regular trims and I have also stopped arraigning my hair every day. Any advise?


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Feb 4, 2013

Sultana S.

My hairs not growing at all I have regular trims and I have also stopped arraigning my hair every day. Any advise?

Feb 4, 2013

Genesis G.

First of all...stop cutting it....stop damaging it....if you can find heatless methods to curl or straighten your argon oil and rub it in your really helps and twice a week do a conditioning treatment for your hair....i use yo have hair like you and it wouldnt girl and so i decided to start taking better care of my my hair is a little past me grew a lot 

Feb 4, 2013

Sultana S.

Thank you, my hair is naturally very curly and it is so hard to style 

Feb 4, 2013

Genesis G.

Well then just leave it you have any pictures of you with curly hair that i could see???

Feb 4, 2013

Chantal D.

Ok I did a liver cleanse and I got handfuls of baby hairs growing all Over, so I've come to realize hair growth is connected to the liver! Detox your liver and possibly do a liver cleanse! Take liver healing foods! 

Feb 4, 2013

Amanda R.

Actually you have to have regular trims so DO keep cutting it. If you do not cut it the split ends will keep breaking bc they're weak and then your hair really won't grow. Trim every 6-8 weeks. MOISTURIZE!! And then seal that moisture in with oil. 

Feb 4, 2013

Sultana S.

Thanks guys I don't have any Curley hair pics. But Curley hair I find is hard to manage

Feb 4, 2013

Keelyrenee S.

Trims don't make your hair grow, your hair grows from your scalp, not your roots. Try taking some prenatal vitamins- they are full of vitamins that are beneficial to hair! -hairstylist

Feb 4, 2013

Sultana S.

So would you recommend supplements if so which ones? 

Feb 4, 2013

Keelyrenee S.

I'm 37 weeks pregnant right now and I had an above shoulder length haircut before I got pregnant and now its grown to the upper middle of my back.

Feb 4, 2013

Ashley H.

When you take a shower massage your scalp for like 2 minutes, also before you go to sleep

Feb 4, 2013

Megan G.

Morrocan oil will help to grow your hair! Will also help if your hair is dry or brittle and helped me to get mine from shoulder length to waist length x

Feb 4, 2013

Amber K.

You could try a mustard mask (tbl dry mustard, tbl sugar, 2 tbl olive oil, 2tbl warm water and 1 egg yolk apply to roots only) try protective hairstyles at night (buns/braids) to minimize breakage. S&D your ends instead of trims and little to no heat styling.  

Feb 4, 2013

Amber K.

Oh just an FYI the mask does tingle/burn a little but doesn't damage your scalp.

Feb 4, 2013

Tracy F.

Use carrot oil it works trust me :)

Feb 4, 2013

Ave M.

Keelyrenee, it's because during pregnancy we don't shed hair. And our hormones are all outta wack. I'm 38 weeks pregnant with my second. Just wait, you will be loosing it by the handfuls once you have the baby,

Feb 4, 2013

Emily W.

A note about prenatal vitamins: there have been studies that found that taking prenatal vitamins outside of pregnancy can actually reduce fertility and possibly make you sick. I wouldn't take any supplements without consulting with a doctor.

Feb 4, 2013

Lindsay M.

If u dont get trims every now and again you will get split ends and they will only get worse and break up the length of ur hair when when u do end up getting it cut ul have to get even more taken off and if u never had long hair bfor and uv been trying to grow it for a while, ur hair may not b able to grow long each strand grows to a certain length and then it falls out thats how it works i herd this from a hair dresser and a bunch of places online im pretty sure i have this problem bc my hair never grows past my shoulders no mater what but deff try the prenatal pills or hair and nail pills 

Feb 4, 2013

Molly P.

Lee Stafford shampoo conditioner and treatment has helped me and my friends. My friends hair in the last month has grown an inch!

Feb 4, 2013

Sultana S.

Yeh I have that problem my hair get to a certain length and stops growing

Feb 4, 2013

Molly P.

The shampoo is perfect for that!

Feb 4, 2013

Keelyrenee S.

prenatals are nothing but vitamins, there is nothing in them that would harm you fertility wise. and Ave, I never lost my hair after giving birth to my other children. It's one of those things that happens to some people and not to others.

Feb 4, 2013

Kelsi Z.

Does anyone know how o get wavy hair without heat? And no braids rollers or buns please

Feb 4, 2013

Sativa B.

actually doctors recommend that women who want to get pregnant take prenatals a few months ahead. so it doesn't reducd fertility, putting stuff like that up will scare people into not taking them and then their bodies won't be prepared to have a baby.

Feb 4, 2013

Ave M.

Umm what? The only difference in prenatals and regular multis are the increased fix acid,iron and calcium and reduced vitamin a and k.

And yes it happens to some people after pregnancy and not others, each pregnancy differs too though. It could happen after one an not happen after another (which I'm hoping for this time around).