Black Spot On Finger!


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Feb 8, 2013

Tabitha R.

Today I jammed my finger and as you can see from the picture it's black unlike my other fingers In that spot in the middle, I can move it. It kinda hurts to move it though. This isn't really a makeup question, but I need advice on this!

Feb 8, 2013

Tabitha R.

Forgot to add picture...

Feb 8, 2013

Tabitha R.

It won't let me send a pic, but its black in the middle on the back.

Feb 8, 2013

Louise S.

Sounds like a blood blister. You'll need to pop it. I usually use a sewing needle that's been sterilised in boiling water. Just need to pierce the skin, and let the blood out into a tissue. It'll be a little sore but nothing too bad :)

Feb 8, 2013

Tabitha R.

Thanks Louise! Gonna do this tomorrow when I have more time!

Feb 8, 2013

Shelley W.

I wouldn't suggest popping it. It will go away on its on. Not worth running the risk of infection even if you do sterilize the needle. 

Feb 8, 2013

Caitlin M.

I agree, I've never heard of popping a blood blister. I'd leave it alone, trying to pop it may just irritate it and make it hurt more. Generally I've known that type of blister to go away on its own as Shelley mentioned. 

Feb 8, 2013

Amber B.

When I smashed my toe I had to go to the ER and let them burn a small hole in the nail to release the pressure && blood that was built up ! This happened in October and my nail is still trying to grow ! BTW it hurt like hell to burn it lol !!

Feb 12, 2013

Madison H.

I would not pop it. What is happening is your body's natural defense. It's like a little fluid "pillow". I got one just a couple months ago & left it alone. It stayed for two or three weeks,& then fell/peeled right off like a scab. Leave it & let your body do it's thing!:p lol.