How do you fill in Brows?


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Feb 6, 2013

Kloe J.

How do you fill in eyebrows, making them look natural?!! Also what products and brush do you use? Please help

Feb 6, 2013

詠潔 鄭.

I am Asian. so I use lots of different brown to look natural and gorgeous.

Feb 6, 2013

Emily R.

I have heard good things about the e.l.f. brow kit!

Feb 6, 2013

詠潔 鄭.

I am Asian. so I use lots of different brown to look natural and gorgeous.

Feb 6, 2013

詠潔 鄭.

I am Asian. so I use lots of different brown to look natural and gorgeous.

Feb 6, 2013

Shannon H.

browzingz by benifet and they have a guide in the pack to to show you. brilliant.

Feb 6, 2013

Cheyenne C.

Jordana has a great brow kit, and Michelle Phan just posted a video on brows that you can look at on YouTube. :)

Feb 6, 2013

Alexis A.

I use cake powder by NYC its inexpensive and matches everyone and last forever and comes with brushes :)

Feb 6, 2013

Anna L.

I just use a brown eyeshadow but make sure it's not shiny and apply it on it works really welll

Feb 6, 2013

Kloe J.

Thank you!

Feb 7, 2013

Lolli S.

Brown eyeshadow

Feb 7, 2013

Nataly G.

Outline with an eyebrow pencil, shade in with eyeshadow, &outline with concealer :)

Feb 7, 2013

Allie R.

I usually just use a matching pencil, shade lightly and smudge it to blend it out. 

Feb 7, 2013

Linnea G.

First I use the e.l.f. Wet Gloss Lash And Brow Clear Mascara from their essentials line (I love it, on me it lasts all day + I can make my eyeshadow the perfect shape). When it's dry, I fill in my eyebrows with a matte, brown eyeshadow :-)

Feb 7, 2013

Lucinda J.

Use eyebrow shadow!!! Or even an eye shadow. Remember: TWO shades lighter than your natural hair colour, use an angled brush! You can get these from mac stores, if you want a more defined look then use a eye brow pencil on the underneath of your brow to draw the natural shape of your brow then using your angled brush and the brow shadow use it to push up from the line you drew- creating a natural but defined brow! 

Feb 7, 2013

Melanie G.

I also use the Benefit kit, it's so good. You use powder to fill in which is so natural compared to pencil, then you finish off with wax. All the brushes come with it.

Feb 7, 2013

Ashlie B.

The benefit kit!