What make up brand was your mom using when you were still a kid?


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Jan 31, 2013

Brittany M.

My mom would use stuff from clinique and this brand call Flori Roberts. I don't know if it's still around but she refused to leave the house without her makeup. Now she uses MAC but oinly wears it every once in a while. She's starting to see the benefit of being natural.

Jan 31, 2013

Bemnia L.

my mom never did use makeup sometimes she lets me do her makeup for special occasions but it's usually just her lips and eyebrows 

Jan 31, 2013

Vaishnavi T.

My mom always prefer to be natural and when she goes out sometimes she just puts on her lipstick .... 

Jan 31, 2013

Nina S.

My mom still uses Avon products! It's been 30 years already. 

Jan 31, 2013

Ave M.

Mostly Mac is what I remember. And kiss me mascara (blinc). 

Jan 31, 2013

Adreanna R.

Lol great lash mascara!

Jan 31, 2013

Brittaknee C.

Max Factor.
his sons actually made smashbox later on 

Jan 31, 2013

Raisa J.

Elizabeth Arden and Lancome. She was really into Macy's Makeup counters when I was a kid. It was such a treat to just go with her and watch her try things on. My mom only wore makeup for parties or special occasions so it was always special to watch her get all done up. And I still remember the lovely smell of her makeup.. makeup has a very distinct smell that always takes me back to my mom. (weird I know). 

Jan 31, 2013

Maura P.

Avon & cliniques 

Jan 31, 2013

Bianca O.

Avon :-) she only would wear her liquid eyeliner and red lip stick. Once in a while she let's me do her eyeshadow :-) 

Jan 31, 2013

Lizzi L.

Bobbi Brown 

Jun 24, 2013

Liana A.

A lot of revlon.