belly piercing OR nose piercing ?


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Jan 31, 2013

Nancy M.

which is better belly or nose piercing ?

Jan 31, 2013

Sarah M.

my navel piercing ripped out and I now have the nastiest scar ever. Nose piercings are more appealing.

Jan 31, 2013

Dana S.

I think belly piercings look better ;) 

Jan 31, 2013

Brody M.


Jan 31, 2013

Diana S.

nose (:

Jan 31, 2013

Brittany A.

I personally prefer nose piercings, but ultimately it is up to you. But here is something to take into consideration, if you get your nose done are you going to be wearing a stud or hoop? If a hoop are you going to be willing to take it out and put it back in all of the time or will you have a job that allows hoops. I don't know about where you live but in Indiana most jobs will allow people to have nose rings if it is a stud, but not a hoop. If you aren't willing to do that then I suggest going with the naval instead. Also, it isn't common but i know for some people the nose starts heeling up just after a couple of hours of having the jewelry out and have to get it redone, so I would suggest having a plug for when you have to take it out, just to be safe.

Jan 31, 2013

Aly D.

if you have a big nose don't lol I have a huge nose so I got my belly done instead. plus if one of them gets infected you can hide your belly you can't hide an infection on your face. 

Jan 31, 2013

Cherterica M.

I say belly cuz u cn hide it frm ur mom for the firat couple weeks and its sexy in a bikini

Jan 31, 2013

Laura M.

Both ! 

Jan 31, 2013

Almog I.

belly !

Jan 31, 2013

Angie Daniela A.


Jan 31, 2013

Megan M.

Belly on the bottom! So cute. 

Jan 31, 2013

Cherry H.

belly is a better idea because if you change ur mind later you can cover the scar that's left. i now have a hole in my nose 4 life lol

Jan 31, 2013

Sarah G.

I've had my belly for 10yrs and nose for 6yrs. I love both. you can't easily hide a nose piercing though. usually in deciding piercings I put a dot with eyeliner to see if it suits me. 

Jan 31, 2013

Devan V.

I have both and love them both, but they both get caught on everything. nose stud gets caught on towels, shirts, wash cloths, tissues. belly ring gets caught by clothing, counters, desks, and my son crawling all over me is hell on my belly ring. 

Jan 31, 2013

Sarah K.

nose I guess though I never had one 

Jan 31, 2013

Anna P.


Jan 31, 2013

Stormy M.

Belly because with the nose your gonna leave a hole in it if you ever decide you don't want it 

Jan 31, 2013

Ruby H.

belly definitely! they make bikinis much more fun and they dont leave ugly holes 

Jan 31, 2013

Brittany A.

If you get the nose and go with the typical 20 (or even 18) gauge and decide to take it out later the hole/scar really won't be bad, barely noticeable, you'd have to look for it.

Jan 31, 2013

Amanda R.


Jan 31, 2013

Mia F.

nose any day x

Jan 31, 2013

Candice H.


Jan 31, 2013

Katya H.

I think that if you do a belly piercing, you will only be able to wear it in the summer or on the beach, but with the nose piercings you can wear it everywhere and it'll look good. 

Jan 31, 2013

Letty G.

Nose _ not appealing at all- 

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