So How Do You Make Your Green Eyes


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Jan 23, 2013

Michelle R.

Stand out without using purple or red because I like to match my makeup with outfits or try to make my makeup standout more naturally

Bronze and green eyeshadows.

Jan 23, 2013

Vanessa S.

Green eyeliner (:

Jan 23, 2013

Amanda N.

"Try to make my makeup stand out more naturally" favorite quote this week! If you want your makeup to look more "toned down" try coppery colors or medium browns. Use less shimmer. Taupe is a very good color for the "dark" and go up with a shimmery pale rose, or try using a peach. 

Jan 23, 2013

Ali A.

If you want to have larger eyes, then o the bottom water line use white eyeliner, and for eye shadows.. Purples, deep greens, bronzes, golds. Look at a color wheel and get colors that compliment your eye color. I too have green eyes and I love wearing eyeshadows with red tones. My eyes just pop!