Oil Washing for face?


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Feb 2, 2013

Kelly P.

So I recently started washing my face with pure organic coconut oil. Has anyone else tried the oil washing method? Thoughts?

Feb 2, 2013

Renni G.

Only clarins pure melt which starts as gel and turns to oil and I love it

Feb 3, 2013

Michelle Ann N.

Neutrogena Pink Grapefruit oil free acne facial cleanser works for me! :) 

Feb 3, 2013

Kate W.

It's amazing!! I've been doing the ocm for a little over a month and the results are amazing!!

Feb 3, 2013

Kelly P.

Kate what kind of oil have you been using? I cant say i've noticed serious results yet...

Feb 4, 2013

Kate W.

I've been using castor oil mixed with evoo (60%evoo to 40% castor approximately). The castor oil helps pull dirt and bacteria out of the pores and the evoo counteracts the drying effect the castor oil has. I did a lot of research prior. I googled and read a lot of articles. Most will give you a list of oils to mix with the castor oil depending on skin ttype

Feb 4, 2013

Melissa E.

best thing ever....I have been doingbit for years. Sometimes you have to find the right oil

Feb 4, 2013

Sharone P.

I started washing my face with oil last year and it has completely changed the feel of my skin. I only do it every other day or else it will dry out my face. I do the same mixings as Kate W. but i add in a few drops of tea tree oil which dries out my pimples. 

Feb 4, 2013

Kate W.

Oh I never thought of using tea tree oil!  Thanks!!

Feb 4, 2013

Tyler B.

No you will break out

Feb 4, 2013

Kate W.

Erica you're wrong. You won't break out from the oil. Oil free or absorbing products completely strip your skin of the necessary natural oils in your skin. And because of that your body goes into overdrive to produce more oil, which is why you have excessively oily skin. Like dissolves like, so steaming oil into your face will clean it gently and pull dirt and bacteria from the pores. That dirt and bacteria causes you to break out not the oil.

Feb 4, 2013

Laura G.

I do the same with the unprocessed coconut oil. My skin is ridiculous, dry but oily, sensitive but also rough in spots plus acne prone. Coconut oil seems to balance it all out. I use it for cooking, removing makeup, and as a hair treatment too

Feb 4, 2013

Tyler B.

By putting pure oil on your face will jncrease the oil production and will clog pores, your skin doesn't need extra oil when it produces it's own, a simple face cream, face wash etc specialised for the skin is all you need.

Feb 4, 2013

Patricia D.

I've tried the ocm with castor oil and olive oil and at first it cleared up my skin a bit and the texture was nice and smooth but I guess my skin started to fight back because I broke out like crazy! :( I'm still recovering from it. Everyone is different. I think it's hit or miss with this one. 

Feb 4, 2013

Amber K.

I use coconut oil and honey to cleanse/moisturize and its been amazing. I've been doing it for about 6 months and my skin has never been better! (It doesn't increase oil production btw stripping your face with cleansers will do that) I also you evening primrose oil at night which helps if you are acne prone.

Feb 4, 2013

Kate W.

Well I'm not going to fight with you Erica. But that's not true. You believe what you want

Feb 4, 2013

Kate W.

Not all oils will work for your skin type. There's a lot of different oils you can mix with the castor oil depending on your face type and what is needed. Olive oil may have not been the right oil for your face.