Why Makeup Is So Expensive?


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Jan 25, 2013

Til S.

why makeup is so expensive? even w/ or w/out discount. :( esp. the high brand makeup

Jan 25, 2013

Ruth A.

i think the exact same

Jan 25, 2013

Keri T.

ingredients that are hard to get? just a guess:) 

Jan 25, 2013

Veganbeauty L.

to make profits

Jan 25, 2013

Coco L.

I don't think it's the ingredients. I think more money is spent on advertising, designing, packaging and research/patents. 

Advertising. There are well over millions of eye shadows out there. They want you to choose theirs and they want you to believe its the best

Jan 25, 2013

Ave M.

Advertising and the fact that they have good return policies and give free samples. 

Jan 26, 2013

Lehi I.

Beauty comes with a price ;) But perfection is free.

Jan 26, 2013

Tara A.

I just got back from IMATS this past weekend and found quite a few cheap but awesome brands. Just because something has a name brand doesn't make it the best. To name a few new/not so expensive brands: makeup geek, snog cosmetics, saucebox, coastal scents, sephora brand.. Look around. =)

Jan 26, 2013

Coco L.

Check out this article, tells you exactly why http://thebeautybrains.com/2012/03/22/why-is-lancome-more-expensive-than-loreal/. I love this blog, I believe it's written by chemists (chemical engineers that actually formulate your cosmetics). 

Jan 26, 2013

Erin S.

defiantly triple the price in Australia which is so unfair

Jan 26, 2013

Maggie M.

Great link coco thx!

Jan 26, 2013

Brooke E.

Has to do with supply, demand and competition. You have to pay for ingredients, labour, packaging, resources.

Jan 26, 2013

Danielle P.

advertising... exposure to the public... and in some cases.... very rare ones the price tag is worth it... but sadly quality has very little to do with the price... and do not take reviews in magazines seriously... they are paid to write nice things... sites like beautypedia.com tell the whole truth about your favorite beauty products... and theres cold hard facts to support the reviews..

Jan 26, 2013

Ana T.

try elf, everything I see from them is cheap and really good. got a 40 - 120 ( I think it was something like that ) eye shadow pallet for 15 dollars! 

Jan 26, 2013

Brittany O.

One word.. Profit :)

Jan 26, 2013

Emily W.

Also, taxes, tariffs, and duties in certain countries (e.g. Australia) increase costs even on drugstore makeup. 

Jan 26, 2013

Sarah K.

I live in Australia and buy most of my makeup online...in store, Revlon foundations are $40, colorburst lipsticks are $23...and so on. It sucks because I'm a student so I don't have a huge budget. I love sites like beautyjoint.com where I can try out brands like NYX, Wet n Wild etc for great prices! If anyone has recommendations for other good sites to buy from I would love to know! :)

Jan 26, 2013

Ashley A.

Because there is such a high demand for it and girls will ALWAYS need it, so why not raise prices on essentials. Its like gasoline, since we need it companies raise prices

Jan 26, 2013

Carmen K.

Because makeup is NOT commodity, unlike dish soap/ tissue/ drugs, etc. So companies need to pay big $ to advertise & pass on that cost to consumers in order to make profit.

Jan 27, 2013

Coco L.

Well, they do market research to find out who to be the target audience and yes, insecure people are among them. Comes down to advertising really, they carefully choose what vocabulary and images to use and try and capture their audience. Psychological manipulation definitely goes into it. It's up to us consumers to find out what's in the ingredients and their efficacy, it's up to us whether to believe the hype.