I am so happy I purchased this gadget! At first I thought it would be just like a toothbrush but it's nothing like one! If anything, it reminds me of the Foreo Luna for lips with it's silicone tip. Needless to say this has been a game changer for my lip care routine! I use it everyday and my lips always look soft, feel plush and are totally kissable! The lip scrub smells better and feels more luxurious on my lips than my other lush lip scrubs. I would definitely repurchase.
Wayne Goss talked about this a few weeks ago and of course, I had to try. I tend to bite my lips A LOT so my lips are always feathering. I am hooked!! The scrub with the mechanism leaves my lips really really smooth. I have actually been using this in the morning before applying my makeup and then at night. This was a great buy!